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¥Keyboard Shortcuts



此功能允许你为 Electron 应用配置本地和全局键盘快捷键。

¥This feature allows you to configure local and global keyboard shortcuts for your Electron application.




¥Local Shortcuts

仅当应用获得焦点时才会触发本地键盘快捷键。要配置本地键盘快捷键,你需要在 Menu 模块中创建 MenuItem 时指定 accelerator 属性。

¥Local keyboard shortcuts are triggered only when the application is focused. To configure a local keyboard shortcut, you need to specify an accelerator property when creating a MenuItem within the Menu module.

教程入门代码 的工作应用开始,将 main.js 更新为:

¥Starting with a working application from the tutorial starter code, update the main.js to be:

const { app, BrowserWindow, Menu, MenuItem } = require('electron/main')

function createWindow () {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600


const menu = new Menu()
menu.append(new MenuItem({
label: 'Electron',
submenu: [{
role: 'help',
accelerator: process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Alt+Cmd+I' : 'Alt+Shift+I',
click: () => { console.log('Electron rocks!') }



app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {

app.on('activate', () => {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {

注意:在上面的代码中,你可以看到加速器根据用户的操作系统而有所不同。对于 MacOS,它是 Alt+Cmd+I,而对于 Linux 和 Windows,它是 Alt+Shift+I

¥NOTE: In the code above, you can see that the accelerator differs based on the user's operating system. For MacOS, it is Alt+Cmd+I, whereas for Linux and Windows, it is Alt+Shift+I.

启动 Electron 应用后,你应该会看到应用菜单以及刚刚定义的本地快捷方式:

¥After launching the Electron application, you should see the application menu along with the local shortcut you just defined:

Menu with a local shortcut

如果你单击 Help 或按定义的加速键,然后打开运行 Electron 应用的终端,你将看到触发 click 事件后生成的消息:"Electron 摇滚!"。

¥If you click Help or press the defined accelerator and then open the terminal that you ran your Electron application from, you will see the message that was generated after triggering the click event: "Electron rocks!".


¥Global Shortcuts

要配置全局键盘快捷键,即使应用没有键盘焦点,你也需要使用 globalShortcut 模块来检测键盘事件。

¥To configure a global keyboard shortcut, you need to use the globalShortcut module to detect keyboard events even when the application does not have keyboard focus.

教程入门代码 的工作应用开始,将 main.js 更新为:

¥Starting with a working application from the tutorial starter code, update the main.js to be:

const { app, BrowserWindow, globalShortcut } = require('electron/main')

function createWindow () {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600


app.whenReady().then(() => {
globalShortcut.register('Alt+CommandOrControl+I', () => {
console.log('Electron loves global shortcuts!')

app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {

app.on('activate', () => {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {

注意:在上面的代码中,CommandOrControl 组合在 macOS 上使用 Command,在 Windows/Linux 上使用 Control

¥NOTE: In the code above, the CommandOrControl combination uses Command on macOS and Control on Windows/Linux.

启动 Electron 应用后,如果你按下定义的组合键,然后打开运行 Electron 应用的终端,你将看到 Electron 喜欢全局快捷键!

¥After launching the Electron application, if you press the defined key combination then open the terminal that you ran your Electron application from, you will see that Electron loves global shortcuts!


¥Shortcuts within a BrowserWindow

使用网络 API

¥Using web APIs

如果你想处理 BrowserWindow 中的键盘快捷键,你可以使用 添加事件监听器() API 监听渲染器进程内的 keyupkeydown DOM 事件

¥If you want to handle keyboard shortcuts within a BrowserWindow, you can listen for the keyup and keydown DOM events inside the renderer process using the addEventListener() API.

function handleKeyPress (event) {
// You can put code here to handle the keypress.
document.getElementById('last-keypress').innerText = event.key
console.log(`You pressed ${event.key}`)

window.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyPress, true)

注意:第三个参数 true 指示监听器始终会先于其他监听器接收按键,因此它们无法调用 stopPropagation()

¥Note: the third parameter true indicates that the listener will always receive key presses before other listeners so they can't have stopPropagation() called on them.


¥Intercepting events in the main process

before-input-event 事件在页面中调度 keydownkeyup 事件之前发出。它可用于捕获和处理菜单中不可见的自定义快捷方式。

¥The before-input-event event is emitted before dispatching keydown and keyup events in the page. It can be used to catch and handle custom shortcuts that are not visible in the menu.

教程入门代码 的工作应用开始,使用以下行更新 main.js 文件:

¥Starting with a working application from the tutorial starter code, update the main.js file with the following lines:

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron/main')

app.whenReady().then(() => {
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })

win.webContents.on('before-input-event', (event, input) => {
if (input.control && input.key.toLowerCase() === 'i') {
console.log('Pressed Control+I')

启动 Electron 应用后,如果打开运行 Electron 应用的终端并按 Ctrl+I 组合键,你将看到该组合键已成功拦截。

¥After launching the Electron application, if you open the terminal that you ran your Electron application from and press Ctrl+I key combination, you will see that this key combination was successfully intercepted.


¥Using third-party libraries

如果你不想进行手动快捷方式解析,可以使用一些可以进行高级按键检测的库,例如 mousetrap。下面是 Renderer 进程中运行的 mousetrap 的使用示例:

¥If you don't want to do manual shortcut parsing, there are libraries that do advanced key detection, such as mousetrap. Below are examples of usage of the mousetrap running in the Renderer process:

Mousetrap.bind('4', () => { console.log('4') })
Mousetrap.bind('?', () => { console.log('show shortcuts!') })
Mousetrap.bind('esc', () => { console.log('escape') }, 'keyup')

// combinations
Mousetrap.bind('command+shift+k', () => { console.log('command shift k') })

// map multiple combinations to the same callback
Mousetrap.bind(['command+k', 'ctrl+k'], () => {
console.log('command k or control k')

// return false to prevent default behavior and stop event from bubbling
return false

// gmail style sequences
Mousetrap.bind('g i', () => { console.log('go to inbox') })
Mousetrap.bind('* a', () => { console.log('select all') })

// konami code!
Mousetrap.bind('up up down down left right left right b a enter', () => {
console.log('konami code')