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¥Render and control web pages.


¥Process: Main

webContentsEventEmitter。它负责渲染和控制网页,是 BrowserWindow 对象的属性。访问 webContents 对象的示例:

¥webContents is an EventEmitter. It is responsible for rendering and controlling a web page and is a property of the BrowserWindow object. An example of accessing the webContents object:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 1500 })

const contents = win.webContents

¥Navigation Events

可以使用多个事件来监视 webContents 中发生的导航。

¥Several events can be used to monitor navigations as they occur within a webContents.


¥Document Navigations

webContents 导航到另一个页面(与 页内导航 相对)时,将触发以下事件。

¥When a webContents navigates to another page (as opposed to an in-page navigation), the following events will be fired.

如果对任何可取消事件调用 event.preventDefault(),则后续事件将不会触发。

¥Subsequent events will not fire if event.preventDefault() is called on any of the cancellable events.


¥In-page Navigation


¥In-page navigations don't cause the page to reload, but instead navigate to a location within the current page. These events are not cancellable. For an in-page navigations, the following events will fire in this order:


¥Frame Navigation

will-navigatedid-navigate 事件仅在 mainFrame 导航时触发。如果你还想观察 <iframe> 中的导航,请使用 will-frame-navigatedid-frame-navigate 事件。

¥The will-navigate and did-navigate events only fire when the mainFrame navigates. If you want to also observe navigations in <iframe>s, use will-frame-navigate and did-frame-navigate events.



可以从 webContents 模块访问这些方法:

¥These methods can be accessed from the webContents module:

const { webContents } = require('electron')


返回 WebContents[] - 所有 WebContents 实例的数组。这将包含所有窗口、Web 视图、打开的 devtools 和 devtools 扩展背景页面的 Web 内容。

¥Returns WebContents[] - An array of all WebContents instances. This will contain web contents for all windows, webviews, opened devtools, and devtools extension background pages.


返回 WebContents | null - 该应用关注的网页内容,否则返回 null

¥Returns WebContents | null - The web contents that is focused in this application, otherwise returns null.


  • id 整数

    ¥id Integer

返回 WebContents | undefined - 具有给定 ID 的 WebContents 实例,如果没有与给定 ID 关联的 WebContents,则为 undefined

¥Returns WebContents | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given ID, or undefined if there is no WebContents associated with the given ID.


  • frame Web 框架主

    ¥frame WebFrameMain

返回 WebContents | undefined - 具有给定 WebFrameMain 的 WebContents 实例,如果没有与给定 WebFrameMain 关联的 WebContents,则为 undefined

¥Returns WebContents | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given WebFrameMain, or undefined if there is no WebContents associated with the given WebFrameMain.


  • targetId 字符串 - 与 WebContents 实例关联的 Chrome DevTools 协议 目标 ID

    ¥targetId string - The Chrome DevTools Protocol TargetID associated with the WebContents instance.

返回 WebContents | undefined - 具有给定 TargetID 的 WebContents 实例,如果没有与给定 TargetID 关联的 WebContents,则为 undefined

¥Returns WebContents | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given TargetID, or undefined if there is no WebContents associated with the given TargetID.

Chrome 开发者工具协议 通信时,根据分配的 TargetID 查找 WebContents 实例会很有用。

¥When communicating with the Chrome DevTools Protocol, it can be useful to lookup a WebContents instance based on its assigned TargetID.

async function lookupTargetId (browserWindow) {
const wc = browserWindow.webContents
await wc.debugger.attach('1.3')
const { targetInfo } = await wc.debugger.sendCommand('Target.getTargetInfo')
const { targetId } = targetInfo
const targetWebContents = await wc.fromDevToolsTargetId(targetId)


¥Class: WebContents

渲染并控制 BrowserWindow 实例的内容。

¥Render and control the contents of a BrowserWindow instance.

该类不是从 'electron' 模块导出的。它仅可用作 Electron API 中其他方法的返回值。

¥Process: Main
This class is not exported from the 'electron' module. It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API.


¥Instance Events


¥Event: 'did-finish-load'

导航完成时发出,即选项卡的旋转器停止旋转,并且调度 onload 事件。

¥Emitted when the navigation is done, i.e. the spinner of the tab has stopped spinning, and the onload event was dispatched.


¥Event: 'did-fail-load'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • errorCode 整数

    ¥errorCode Integer

  • errorDescription 字符串

    ¥errorDescription string

  • validatedURL 字符串

    ¥validatedURL string

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

  • frameProcessId 整数

    ¥frameProcessId Integer

  • frameRoutingId 整数

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer

此事件类似于 did-finish-load,但在加载失败时发出。错误代码及其含义的完整列表可在 此处 中找到。

¥This event is like did-finish-load but emitted when the load failed. The full list of error codes and their meaning is available here.


¥Event: 'did-fail-provisional-load'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • errorCode 整数

    ¥errorCode Integer

  • errorDescription 字符串

    ¥errorDescription string

  • validatedURL 字符串

    ¥validatedURL string

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

  • frameProcessId 整数

    ¥frameProcessId Integer

  • frameRoutingId 整数

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer

该事件类似于 did-fail-load,但在取消加载时发出(例如调用 window.stop())。

¥This event is like did-fail-load but emitted when the load was cancelled (e.g. window.stop() was invoked).


¥Event: 'did-frame-finish-load'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

  • frameProcessId 整数

    ¥frameProcessId Integer

  • frameRoutingId 整数

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer


¥Emitted when a frame has done navigation.


¥Event: 'did-start-loading'


¥Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab started spinning.


¥Event: 'did-stop-loading'


¥Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stopped spinning.


¥Event: 'dom-ready'


¥Emitted when the document in the top-level frame is loaded.


¥Event: 'page-title-updated'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • title 字符串

    ¥title string

  • explicitSet 布尔值

    ¥explicitSet boolean

在导航期间设置页面标题时触发。当标题是从文件 url 合成时,explicitSet 为 false。

¥Fired when page title is set during navigation. explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file url.


¥Event: 'page-favicon-updated'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • favicons 字符串[] - URL 数组。

    ¥favicons string[] - Array of URLs.

当页面收到 favicon url 时发出。

¥Emitted when page receives favicon urls.


¥Event: 'content-bounds-updated'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • bounds 长方形 - 请求新的内容范围

    ¥bounds Rectangle - requested new content bounds

当页面调用 window.moveTowindow.resizeTo 或相关 API 时发出。

¥Emitted when the page calls window.moveTo, window.resizeTo or related APIs.

默认情况下,这将移动窗口。为了防止这种行为,请致电 event.preventDefault()

¥By default, this will move the window. To prevent that behavior, call event.preventDefault().


¥Event: 'did-create-window'



  • window BrowserWindow

  • details 对象

    ¥details Object

    • url 字符串 - 创建的窗口的 URL。

      ¥url string - URL for the created window.

    • frameName 字符串 - 在 调用中为创建的窗口指定的名称。

      ¥frameName string - Name given to the created window in the call.

    • options 浏览器窗口构造函数选项 - 用于创建浏览器窗口的选项。它们以递增的优先级合并:从 字符串解析的选项、从父级继承的与安全相关的 webPreferences 以及 webContents.setWindowOpenHandler 给出的选项。无法识别的选项不会被过滤掉。

      ¥options BrowserWindowConstructorOptions - The options used to create the BrowserWindow. They are merged in increasing precedence: parsed options from the features string from, security-related webPreferences inherited from the parent, and options given by webContents.setWindowOpenHandler. Unrecognized options are not filtered out.

    • referrer 推荐人 - 将传递到新窗口的引荐来源网址。可能会也可能不会导致发送 Referer 标头,具体取决于引荐来源网址策略。

      ¥referrer Referrer - The referrer that will be passed to the new window. May or may not result in the Referer header being sent, depending on the referrer policy.

    • postBody PostBody(可选) - 将发送到新窗口的发布数据以及将设置的适当标头。如果不发送 post 数据,则该值为 null。仅当窗口由设置 target=_blank 的表单创建时才定义。

      ¥postBody PostBody (optional) - The post data that will be sent to the new window, along with the appropriate headers that will be set. If no post data is to be sent, the value will be null. Only defined when the window is being created by a form that set target=_blank.

    • disposition 字符串 - 可以是 defaultforeground-tabbackground-tabnew-windowother

      ¥disposition string - Can be default, foreground-tab, background-tab, new-window or other.

在渲染器中通过 成功创建窗口后发出。如果从 webContents.setWindowOpenHandler 取消窗口的创建,则不会发出。

¥Emitted after successful creation of a window via in the renderer. Not emitted if the creation of the window is canceled from webContents.setWindowOpenHandler.

有关更多详细信息以及如何将其与 webContents.setWindowOpenHandler 结合使用,请参阅

¥See for more details and how to use this in conjunction with webContents.setWindowOpenHandler.


¥Event: 'will-navigate'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • url 字符串 - 框架导航到的 URL。

      ¥url string - The URL the frame is navigating to.

    • isSameDocument 布尔值 - 使用 window.history api 和参考片段导航的相同文档导航不会触发此事件。对于此事件,此属性始终设置为 false

      ¥isSameDocument boolean - This event does not fire for same document navigations using window.history api and reference fragment navigations. This property is always set to false for this event.

    • isMainFrame 布尔值 - 如果导航发生在主框架中,则为 true。

      ¥isMainFrame boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 要导航的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The frame to be navigated. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • initiator WebFrameMain | null(可选) - 发起导航的框架,可以是父框架(例如,通过带有框架名称的,如果导航不是由框架发起的,则为 null。如果在事件发出之前删除了启动帧,则该值也可以为 null。

      ¥initiator WebFrameMain | null (optional) - The frame which initiated the navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via with a frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was emitted.

  • url 字符串 已弃用

    ¥url string Deprecated

  • isInPlace 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isInPlace boolean Deprecated

  • isMainFrame 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isMainFrame boolean Deprecated

  • frameProcessId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameProcessId Integer Deprecated

  • frameRoutingId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer Deprecated

当用户或页面想要在主框架上开始导航时发出。当 window.location 对象更改或用户单击页面中的链接时,可能会发生这种情况。

¥Emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation on the main frame. It can happen when the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.

当使用 webContents.loadURLwebContents.back 等 API 以编程方式启动导航时,不会发出此事件。

¥This event will not emit when the navigation is started programmatically with APIs like webContents.loadURL and webContents.back.

页面内导航也不会发出它,例如单击锚链接或更新 window.location.hash。为此目的使用 did-navigate-in-page 事件。

¥It is also not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.

调用 event.preventDefault() 将阻止导航。

¥Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the navigation.


¥Event: 'will-frame-navigate'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • url 字符串 - 框架导航到的 URL。

      ¥url string - The URL the frame is navigating to.

    • isSameDocument 布尔值 - 使用 window.history api 和参考片段导航的相同文档导航不会触发此事件。对于此事件,此属性始终设置为 false

      ¥isSameDocument boolean - This event does not fire for same document navigations using window.history api and reference fragment navigations. This property is always set to false for this event.

    • isMainFrame 布尔值 - 如果导航发生在主框架中,则为 true。

      ¥isMainFrame boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 要导航的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The frame to be navigated. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • initiator WebFrameMain | null(可选) - 发起导航的框架,可以是父框架(例如,通过带有框架名称的,如果导航不是由框架发起的,则为 null。如果在事件发出之前删除了启动帧,则该值也可以为 null。

      ¥initiator WebFrameMain | null (optional) - The frame which initiated the navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via with a frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was emitted.

当用户或页面想要在任何框架中开始导航时发出。当 window.location 对象更改或用户单击页面中的链接时,可能会发生这种情况。

¥Emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation in any frame. It can happen when the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.

will-navigate 不同,当主框架或其任何子框架尝试导航时,会触发 will-frame-navigate。当导航事件来自主框架时,isMainFrame 将是 true

¥Unlike will-navigate, will-frame-navigate is fired when the main frame or any of its subframes attempts to navigate. When the navigation event comes from the main frame, isMainFrame will be true.

当使用 webContents.loadURLwebContents.back 等 API 以编程方式启动导航时,不会发出此事件。

¥This event will not emit when the navigation is started programmatically with APIs like webContents.loadURL and webContents.back.

页面内导航也不会发出它,例如单击锚链接或更新 window.location.hash。为此目的使用 did-navigate-in-page 事件。

¥It is also not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.

调用 event.preventDefault() 将阻止导航。

¥Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the navigation.


¥Event: 'did-start-navigation'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • url 字符串 - 框架导航到的 URL。

      ¥url string - The URL the frame is navigating to.

    • isSameDocument 布尔值 - 是否在不更改文档的情况下进行导航。相同文档导航的示例包括参考片段导航、pushState/replaceState 和相同页面历史记录导航。

      ¥isSameDocument boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.

    • isMainFrame 布尔值 - 如果导航发生在主框架中,则为 true。

      ¥isMainFrame boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 要导航的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The frame to be navigated. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • initiator WebFrameMain | null(可选) - 发起导航的框架,可以是父框架(例如,通过带有框架名称的,如果导航不是由框架发起的,则为 null。如果在事件发出之前删除了启动帧,则该值也可以为 null。

      ¥initiator WebFrameMain | null (optional) - The frame which initiated the navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via with a frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was emitted.

  • url 字符串 已弃用

    ¥url string Deprecated

  • isInPlace 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isInPlace boolean Deprecated

  • isMainFrame 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isMainFrame boolean Deprecated

  • frameProcessId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameProcessId Integer Deprecated

  • frameRoutingId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer Deprecated


¥Emitted when any frame (including main) starts navigating.


¥Event: 'will-redirect'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • url 字符串 - 框架导航到的 URL。

      ¥url string - The URL the frame is navigating to.

    • isSameDocument 布尔值 - 是否在不更改文档的情况下进行导航。相同文档导航的示例包括参考片段导航、pushState/replaceState 和相同页面历史记录导航。

      ¥isSameDocument boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.

    • isMainFrame 布尔值 - 如果导航发生在主框架中,则为 true。

      ¥isMainFrame boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 要导航的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The frame to be navigated. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • initiator WebFrameMain | null(可选) - 发起导航的框架,可以是父框架(例如,通过带有框架名称的,如果导航不是由框架发起的,则为 null。如果在事件发出之前删除了启动帧,则该值也可以为 null。

      ¥initiator WebFrameMain | null (optional) - The frame which initiated the navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via with a frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was emitted.

  • url 字符串 已弃用

    ¥url string Deprecated

  • isInPlace 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isInPlace boolean Deprecated

  • isMainFrame 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isMainFrame boolean Deprecated

  • frameProcessId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameProcessId Integer Deprecated

  • frameRoutingId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer Deprecated

当导航期间发生服务器端重定向时发出。例如 302 重定向。

¥Emitted when a server side redirect occurs during navigation. For example a 302 redirect.

对于同一导航,此事件将在 did-start-navigation 之后且始终在 did-redirect-navigation 事件之前发出。

¥This event will be emitted after did-start-navigation and always before the did-redirect-navigation event for the same navigation.

调用 event.preventDefault() 将阻止导航(而不仅仅是重定向)。

¥Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the navigation (not just the redirect).


¥Event: 'did-redirect-navigation'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • url 字符串 - 框架导航到的 URL。

      ¥url string - The URL the frame is navigating to.

    • isSameDocument 布尔值 - 是否在不更改文档的情况下进行导航。相同文档导航的示例包括参考片段导航、pushState/replaceState 和相同页面历史记录导航。

      ¥isSameDocument boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.

    • isMainFrame 布尔值 - 如果导航发生在主框架中,则为 true。

      ¥isMainFrame boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 要导航的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The frame to be navigated. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • initiator WebFrameMain | null(可选) - 发起导航的框架,可以是父框架(例如,通过带有框架名称的,如果导航不是由框架发起的,则为 null。如果在事件发出之前删除了启动帧,则该值也可以为 null。

      ¥initiator WebFrameMain | null (optional) - The frame which initiated the navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via with a frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was emitted.

  • url 字符串 已弃用

    ¥url string Deprecated

  • isInPlace 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isInPlace boolean Deprecated

  • isMainFrame 布尔值 已弃用

    ¥isMainFrame boolean Deprecated

  • frameProcessId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameProcessId Integer Deprecated

  • frameRoutingId 整数 已弃用

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer Deprecated

在导航期间发生服务器端重定向后发出。例如 302 重定向。

¥Emitted after a server side redirect occurs during navigation. For example a 302 redirect.

此事件无法阻止,如果你想阻止重定向,你应该查看上面的 will-redirect 事件。

¥This event cannot be prevented, if you want to prevent redirects you should checkout out the will-redirect event above.


¥Event: 'did-navigate'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • httpResponseCode 整数 - -1 表示非 HTTP 导航

    ¥httpResponseCode Integer - -1 for non HTTP navigations

  • httpStatusText 字符串 - 对于非 HTTP 导航为空

    ¥httpStatusText string - empty for non HTTP navigations


¥Emitted when a main frame navigation is done.

页面内导航不会发出此事件,例如单击锚链接或更新 window.location.hash。为此目的使用 did-navigate-in-page 事件。

¥This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.


¥Event: 'did-frame-navigate'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • httpResponseCode 整数 - -1 表示非 HTTP 导航

    ¥httpResponseCode Integer - -1 for non HTTP navigations

  • httpStatusText 字符串 - 对于非 HTTP 导航为空,

    ¥httpStatusText string - empty for non HTTP navigations,

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

  • frameProcessId 整数

    ¥frameProcessId Integer

  • frameRoutingId 整数

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer


¥Emitted when any frame navigation is done.

页面内导航不会发出此事件,例如单击锚链接或更新 window.location.hash。为此目的使用 did-navigate-in-page 事件。

¥This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.


¥Event: 'did-navigate-in-page'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

  • frameProcessId 整数

    ¥frameProcessId Integer

  • frameRoutingId 整数

    ¥frameRoutingId Integer


¥Emitted when an in-page navigation happened in any frame.

当发生页内导航时,页面 URL 发生变化,但不会导致页外导航。发生这种情况的示例包括单击锚链接或触发 DOM hashchange 事件时。

¥When in-page navigation happens, the page URL changes but does not cause navigation outside of the page. Examples of this occurring are when anchor links are clicked or when the DOM hashchange event is triggered.


¥Event: 'will-prevent-unload'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

beforeunload 事件处理程序尝试取消页面卸载时发出。

¥Emitted when a beforeunload event handler is attempting to cancel a page unload.

调用 event.preventDefault() 将忽略 beforeunload 事件处理程序并允许卸载页面。

¥Calling event.preventDefault() will ignore the beforeunload event handler and allow the page to be unloaded.

const { BrowserWindow, dialog } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.webContents.on('will-prevent-unload', (event) => {
const choice = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, {
type: 'question',
buttons: ['Leave', 'Stay'],
title: 'Do you want to leave this site?',
message: 'Changes you made may not be saved.',
defaultId: 0,
cancelId: 1
const leave = (choice === 0)
if (leave) {

注意:这将为 BrowserViews 发出,但不会被遵守 - 这是因为我们选择不将 BrowserView 生命周期与其所属的 BrowserWindow 绑定在一起(如果 specification 存在一个生命周期)。

¥Note: This will be emitted for BrowserViews but will not be respected - this is because we have chosen not to tie the BrowserView lifecycle to its owning BrowserWindow should one exist per the specification.


¥Event: 'render-process-gone'




¥Emitted when the renderer process unexpectedly disappears. This is normally because it was crashed or killed.


¥Event: 'unresponsive'


¥Emitted when the web page becomes unresponsive.


¥Event: 'responsive'


¥Emitted when the unresponsive web page becomes responsive again.


¥Event: 'plugin-crashed'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • name 字符串

    ¥name string

  • version 字符串

    ¥version string


¥Emitted when a plugin process has crashed.


¥Event: 'destroyed'

webContents 被销毁时发出。

¥Emitted when webContents is destroyed.


¥Event: 'input-event'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • inputEvent InputEvent

当输入事件发送到 WebContents 时发出。详情请参见 InputEvent

¥Emitted when an input event is sent to the WebContents. See InputEvent for details.


¥Event: 'before-input-event'



在分派页面中的 keydownkeyup 事件之前发出。调用 event.preventDefault 将阻止页面 keydown/keyup 事件和菜单快捷方式。

¥Emitted before dispatching the keydown and keyup events in the page. Calling event.preventDefault will prevent the page keydown/keyup events and the menu shortcuts.

要仅阻止菜单快捷方式,请使用 setIgnoreMenuShortcuts

¥To only prevent the menu shortcuts, use setIgnoreMenuShortcuts:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })

win.webContents.on('before-input-event', (event, input) => {
// For example, only enable application menu keyboard shortcuts when
// Ctrl/Cmd are down.
win.webContents.setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(!input.control && !input.meta)


¥Event: 'enter-html-full-screen'

当窗口进入由 HTML API 触发的全屏状态时发出。

¥Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.


¥Event: 'leave-html-full-screen'

当窗口离开由 HTML API 触发的全屏状态时发出。

¥Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.


¥Event: 'zoom-changed'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • zoomDirection 字符串 - 可以是 inout

    ¥zoomDirection string - Can be in or out.


¥Emitted when the user is requesting to change the zoom level using the mouse wheel.


¥Event: 'blur'

WebContents 失去焦点时发出。

¥Emitted when the WebContents loses focus.


¥Event: 'focus'

WebContents 获得焦点时发出。

¥Emitted when the WebContents gains focus.

请注意,在 macOS 上,获得焦点意味着 WebContents 是窗口的第一响应者,因此在窗口之间切换焦点不会触发 WebContentsfocusblur 事件,因为每个窗口的第一响应者都不会改变。

¥Note that on macOS, having focus means the WebContents is the first responder of window, so switching focus between windows would not trigger the focus and blur events of WebContents, as the first responder of each window is not changed.

WebContentsfocusblur 事件只能用于检测同一窗口中不同 WebContentsBrowserView 之间的焦点变化。

¥The focus and blur events of WebContents should only be used to detect focus change between different WebContents and BrowserView in the same window.


¥Event: 'devtools-open-url'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串 - 单击或选择的链接的 URL。

    ¥url string - URL of the link that was clicked or selected.

在 DevTools 中单击链接或在其上下文菜单中为链接选择 '在新选项卡中打开' 时发出。

¥Emitted when a link is clicked in DevTools or 'Open in new tab' is selected for a link in its context menu.


¥Event: 'devtools-search-query'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • query 字符串 - 要查询的文本。

    ¥query string - text to query for.

当在上下文菜单中选择 '搜索' 作为文本时发出。

¥Emitted when 'Search' is selected for text in its context menu.


¥Event: 'devtools-opened'

打开 DevTools 时发出。

¥Emitted when DevTools is opened.


¥Event: 'devtools-closed'

当 DevTools 关闭时发出。

¥Emitted when DevTools is closed.


¥Event: 'devtools-focused'

当 DevTools 聚焦/打开时发出。

¥Emitted when DevTools is focused / opened.


¥Event: 'certificate-error'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • error 字符串 - 错误代码。

    ¥error string - The error code.

  • certificate 证书

    ¥certificate Certificate

  • callback 函数

    ¥callback Function

    • isTrusted 布尔值 - 指示证书是否可以被视为可信。

      ¥isTrusted boolean - Indicates whether the certificate can be considered trusted.

  • isMainFrame 布尔值

    ¥isMainFrame boolean

当无法验证 certificateurl 时发出。

¥Emitted when failed to verify the certificate for url.

用法与 appcertificate-error 事件 相同。

¥The usage is the same with the certificate-error event of app.


¥Event: 'select-client-certificate'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url URL

  • certificateList Certificate[]

  • callback 函数

    ¥callback Function

    • certificate 证书 - 必须是给定列表中的证书。

      ¥certificate Certificate - Must be a certificate from the given list.


¥Emitted when a client certificate is requested.

用法与 appselect-client-certificate 事件 相同。

¥The usage is the same with the select-client-certificate event of app.


¥Event: 'login'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • authenticationResponseDetails 对象

    ¥authenticationResponseDetails Object

    • url URL
  • authInfo 对象

    ¥authInfo Object

    • isProxy 布尔值

      ¥isProxy boolean

    • scheme 字符串

      ¥scheme string

    • host 字符串

      ¥host string

    • port 整数

      ¥port Integer

    • realm 字符串

      ¥realm string

  • callback 函数

    ¥callback Function

    • username 字符串(可选)

      ¥username string (optional)

    • password 字符串(可选)

      ¥password string (optional)

webContents 想要进行基本身份验证时发出。

¥Emitted when webContents wants to do basic auth.

用法与 applogin 事件 相同。

¥The usage is the same with the login event of app.


¥Event: 'found-in-page'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • result 对象

    ¥result Object

    • requestId 整数

      ¥requestId Integer

    • activeMatchOrdinal 整数 - 当前比赛的位置。

      ¥activeMatchOrdinal Integer - Position of the active match.

    • matches 整数 - 比赛次数。

      ¥matches Integer - Number of Matches.

    • selectionArea 长方形 - 第一个匹配区域的坐标。

      ¥selectionArea Rectangle - Coordinates of first match region.

    • finalUpdate 布尔值

      ¥finalUpdate boolean

webContents.findInPage 请求有结果可用时发出。

¥Emitted when a result is available for webContents.findInPage request.


¥Event: 'media-started-playing'


¥Emitted when media starts playing.


¥Event: 'media-paused'


¥Emitted when media is paused or done playing.


¥Event: 'audio-state-changed'



  • event 事件<>

    ¥event Event<>

    • audible 布尔值 - 如果一个或多个帧或子 webContents 正在发出音频,则为 True。

      ¥audible boolean - True if one or more frames or child webContents are emitting audio.


¥Emitted when media becomes audible or inaudible.


¥Event: 'did-change-theme-color'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • color(string | null) - 主题颜色的格式为 '#rrggbb'。未设置主题色时为 null

    ¥color (string | null) - Theme color is in format of '#rrggbb'. It is null when no theme color is set.


¥Emitted when a page's theme color changes. This is usually due to encountering a meta tag:

<meta name='theme-color' content='#ff0000'>


¥Event: 'update-target-url'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string


¥Emitted when mouse moves over a link or the keyboard moves the focus to a link.


¥Event: 'cursor-changed'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • type 字符串

    ¥type string

  • image NativeImage(可选)

    ¥image NativeImage (optional)

  • scale 浮动(可选) - 自定义光标的缩放因子。

    ¥scale Float (optional) - scaling factor for the custom cursor.

  • size 尺寸(可选) - image 的尺寸。

    ¥size Size (optional) - the size of the image.

  • hotspot 观点(可选) - 自定义光标热点的坐标。

    ¥hotspot Point (optional) - coordinates of the custom cursor's hotspot.

当光标类型更改时发出。type 参数可以是 pointercrosshairhandtextwaithelpe-resizen-resizene-resizenw-resizes-resizese-resizesw-resizew-resizens-resizeew-resizenesw-resizenwse-resizecol-resizerow-resizem-panningm-panning-verticalm-panning-horizontal , e-panning, n-panning, ne-panning, nw-panning, s-panning, se-panning, sw-panning, w-panning, move, vertical-text, cell, context-menu, alias, progress, nodrop, copy, none, not-allowed, zoom-in, zoom-out, grab, grabbing, custom, null, drag-drop-nonedrag-drop-movedrag-drop-copydrag-drop-linkns-no-resizeew-no-resizenesw-no-resizenwse-no-resizedefault

¥Emitted when the cursor's type changes. The type parameter can be pointer, crosshair, hand, text, wait, help, e-resize, n-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, s-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, w-resize, ns-resize, ew-resize, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, col-resize, row-resize, m-panning, m-panning-vertical, m-panning-horizontal, e-panning, n-panning, ne-panning, nw-panning, s-panning, se-panning, sw-panning, w-panning, move, vertical-text, cell, context-menu, alias, progress, nodrop, copy, none, not-allowed, zoom-in, zoom-out, grab, grabbing, custom, null, drag-drop-none, drag-drop-move, drag-drop-copy, drag-drop-link, ns-no-resize, ew-no-resize, nesw-no-resize, nwse-no-resize, or default.

如果 type 参数为 custom,则 image 参数将在 NativeImage 中保存自定义光标图片,而 scalesizehotspot 将保存有关自定义光标的附加信息。

¥If the type parameter is custom, the image parameter will hold the custom cursor image in a NativeImage, and scale, size and hotspot will hold additional information about the custom cursor.


¥Event: 'context-menu'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • params 对象

    ¥params Object

    • x 整数 - x 坐标。

      ¥x Integer - x coordinate.

    • y 整数 - y 坐标。

      ¥y Integer - y coordinate.

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 调用上下文菜单的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - Frame from which the context menu was invoked. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

    • linkURL 字符串 - 包含调用上下文菜单的节点的链接的 URL。

      ¥linkURL string - URL of the link that encloses the node the context menu was invoked on.

    • linkText 字符串 - 与链接关联的文本。如果链接的内容是图片,则可能是空字符串。

      ¥linkText string - Text associated with the link. May be an empty string if the contents of the link are an image.

    • pageURL 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的顶层页面的 URL。

      ¥pageURL string - URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on.

    • frameURL 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的子框架的 URL。

      ¥frameURL string - URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on.

    • srcURL 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的元素的源 URL。具有源 URL 的元素是图片、音频和视频。

      ¥srcURL string - Source URL for the element that the context menu was invoked on. Elements with source URLs are images, audio and video.

    • mediaType 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的节点的类型。可以是 noneimageaudiovideocanvasfileplugin

      ¥mediaType string - Type of the node the context menu was invoked on. Can be none, image, audio, video, canvas, file or plugin.

    • hasImageContents 布尔值 - 是否在具有非空内容的图片上调用上下文菜单。

      ¥hasImageContents boolean - Whether the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents.

    • isEditable 布尔值 - 上下文是否可编辑。

      ¥isEditable boolean - Whether the context is editable.

    • selectionText 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的选择文本。

      ¥selectionText string - Text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

    • titleText 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的选项的标题文本。

      ¥titleText string - Title text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

    • altText 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的选项的替代文本。

      ¥altText string - Alt text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

    • suggestedFilename 字符串 - 通过上下文菜单的 '保存链接为' 选项保存文件时建议使用的文件名。

      ¥suggestedFilename string - Suggested filename to be used when saving file through 'Save Link As' option of context menu.

    • selectionRect 长方形 - 表示所选内容在文档空间中的坐标的矩形。

      ¥selectionRect Rectangle - Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.

    • selectionStartOffset 数字 - 选择文本的起始位置。

      ¥selectionStartOffset number - Start position of the selection text.

    • referrerPolicy 推荐人 - 调用菜单的框架的引用策略。

      ¥referrerPolicy Referrer - The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.

    • misspelledWord 字符串 - 光标下拼写错误的单词(如果有)。

      ¥misspelledWord string - The misspelled word under the cursor, if any.

    • dictionarySuggestions 字符串[] - 一系列建议单词,以显示用户替换 misspelledWord。仅当存在拼写错误的单词并且启用了拼写检查器时才可用。

      ¥dictionarySuggestions string[] - An array of suggested words to show the user to replace the misspelledWord. Only available if there is a misspelled word and spellchecker is enabled.

    • frameCharset 字符串 - 调用菜单的帧的字符编码。

      ¥frameCharset string - The character encoding of the frame on which the menu was invoked.

    • formControlType 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的源。可能的值包括 nonebutton-buttonfield-setinput-buttoninput-checkboxinput-colorinput-dateinput-datetime-localinput-emailinput-fileinput-hiddeninput-imageinput-monthinput-numberinput-passwordinput-radioinput-rangeinput-resetinput-searchinput-submitinput-telephoneinput-textinput-timeinput-urlinput-weekoutputreset-buttonselect-listselect-listselect-multipleselect-onesubmit-buttontext-area

      ¥formControlType string - The source that the context menu was invoked on. Possible values include none, button-button, field-set, input-button, input-checkbox, input-color, input-date, input-datetime-local, input-email, input-file, input-hidden, input-image, input-month, input-number, input-password, input-radio, input-range, input-reset, input-search, input-submit, input-telephone, input-text, input-time, input-url, input-week, output, reset-button, select-list, select-list, select-multiple, select-one, submit-button, and text-area,

    • spellcheckEnabled 布尔值 - 如果上下文可编辑,则无论是否启用拼写检查。

      ¥spellcheckEnabled boolean - If the context is editable, whether or not spellchecking is enabled.

    • menuSourceType 字符串 - 调用上下文菜单的输入源。可以是 nonemousekeyboardtouchtouchMenulongPresslongTaptouchHandlestylusadjustSelectionadjustSelectionReset

      ¥menuSourceType string - Input source that invoked the context menu. Can be none, mouse, keyboard, touch, touchMenu, longPress, longTap, touchHandle, stylus, adjustSelection, or adjustSelectionReset.

    • mediaFlags 对象 - 调用上下文菜单的媒体元素的标志。

      ¥mediaFlags Object - The flags for the media element the context menu was invoked on.

      • inError 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否崩溃。

        ¥inError boolean - Whether the media element has crashed.

      • isPaused 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否暂停。

        ¥isPaused boolean - Whether the media element is paused.

      • isMuted 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否静音。

        ¥isMuted boolean - Whether the media element is muted.

      • hasAudio 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否有音频。

        ¥hasAudio boolean - Whether the media element has audio.

      • isLooping 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否循环。

        ¥isLooping boolean - Whether the media element is looping.

      • isControlsVisible 布尔值 - 媒体元素的控件是否可见。

        ¥isControlsVisible boolean - Whether the media element's controls are visible.

      • canToggleControls 布尔值 - 媒体元素的控件是否可切换。

        ¥canToggleControls boolean - Whether the media element's controls are toggleable.

      • canPrint 布尔值 - 是否可以打印媒体元素。

        ¥canPrint boolean - Whether the media element can be printed.

      • canSave 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否可以下载。

        ¥canSave boolean - Whether or not the media element can be downloaded.

      • canShowPictureInPicture 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否可以显示画中画。

        ¥canShowPictureInPicture boolean - Whether the media element can show picture-in-picture.

      • isShowingPictureInPicture 布尔值 - 媒体元素当前是否显示画中画。

        ¥isShowingPictureInPicture boolean - Whether the media element is currently showing picture-in-picture.

      • canRotate 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否可以旋转。

        ¥canRotate boolean - Whether the media element can be rotated.

      • canLoop 布尔值 - 媒体元素是否可以循环播放。

        ¥canLoop boolean - Whether the media element can be looped.

    • editFlags 对象 - 这些标志指示渲染器是否认为它能够执行相应的操作。

      ¥editFlags Object - These flags indicate whether the renderer believes it is able to perform the corresponding action.

      • canUndo 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以撤消。

        ¥canUndo boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can undo.

      • canRedo 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以重做。

        ¥canRedo boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can redo.

      • canCut 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以剪切。

        ¥canCut boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can cut.

      • canCopy 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以复制。

        ¥canCopy boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can copy.

      • canPaste 布尔值 - 渲染器是否认为可以粘贴。

        ¥canPaste boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can paste.

      • canDelete 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以删除。

        ¥canDelete boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can delete.

      • canSelectAll 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以选择全部。

        ¥canSelectAll boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can select all.

      • canEditRichly 布尔值 - 渲染器是否相信它可以丰富地编辑文本。

        ¥canEditRichly boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can edit text richly.


¥Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled.


¥Event: 'select-bluetooth-device'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • devices BluetoothDevice[]

  • callback 函数

    ¥callback Function

    • deviceId 字符串

      ¥deviceId string

当调用 navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice 时需要选择蓝牙设备时发出。应使用要选择的设备的 deviceId 来调用 callback。将空字符串传递给 callback 将取消请求。

¥Emitted when a bluetooth device needs to be selected when a call to navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice is made. callback should be called with the deviceId of the device to be selected. Passing an empty string to callback will cancel the request.

如果没有为此事件添加事件监听器,或者处理该事件时没有调用 event.preventDefault,则会自动选择第一个可用的设备。

¥If an event listener is not added for this event, or if event.preventDefault is not called when handling this event, the first available device will be automatically selected.

由于蓝牙的性质,调用 navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice 时扫描设备可能需要一些时间,并且会导致 select-bluetooth-device 多次触发,直到使用设备 ID 或空字符串调用 callback 来取消请求。

¥Due to the nature of bluetooth, scanning for devices when navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice is called may take time and will cause select-bluetooth-device to fire multiple times until callback is called with either a device id or an empty string to cancel the request.

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

let win = null

app.whenReady().then(() => {
win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device', (event, deviceList, callback) => {
const result = deviceList.find((device) => {
return device.deviceName === 'test'
if (!result) {
// The device wasn't found so we need to either wait longer (eg until the
// device is turned on) or cancel the request by calling the callback
// with an empty string.
} else {


¥Event: 'paint'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • texture OffscreenSharedTexture(可选)实验性 - 当 webPreferences.offscreen.useSharedTexturetrue 时,帧的 GPU 共享纹理。

      ¥texture OffscreenSharedTexture (optional) Experimental - The GPU shared texture of the frame, when webPreferences.offscreen.useSharedTexture is true.

  • dirtyRect 长方形

    ¥dirtyRect Rectangle

  • image NativeImage - 整帧的图片数据。

    ¥image NativeImage - The image data of the whole frame.


¥Emitted when a new frame is generated. Only the dirty area is passed in the buffer.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { offscreen: true } })
win.webContents.on('paint', (event, dirty, image) => {
// updateBitmap(dirty, image.getBitmap())

使用共享纹理(将 webPreferences.offscreen.useSharedTexture 设置为 true)功能时,你可以将纹理句柄传递给外部渲染管道,而无需在 CPU 和 GPU 内存之间复制数据的开销,并借助 Chromium 的硬件加速支持。此功能对于高性能渲染场景很有帮助。

¥When using shared texture (set webPreferences.offscreen.useSharedTexture to true) feature, you can pass the texture handle to external rendering pipeline without the overhead of copying data between CPU and GPU memory, with Chromium's hardware acceleration support. This feature is helpful for high-performance rendering scenarios.

只能同时存在有限数量的纹理,因此在处理完纹理后立即调用 texture.release() 非常重要。通过自己管理纹理生命周期,你可以安全地通过 IPC 将 texture.textureInfo 传递给其他进程。

¥Only a limited number of textures can exist at the same time, so it's important that you call texture.release() as soon as you're done with the texture. By managing the texture lifecycle by yourself, you can safely pass the texture.textureInfo to other processes through IPC.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { offscreen: { useSharedTexture: true } } })
win.webContents.on('paint', async (e, dirty, image) => {
if (e.texture) {
// By managing lifecycle yourself, you can handle the event in async handler or pass the `e.texture.textureInfo`
// to other processes (not `e.texture`, the `e.texture.release` function is not passable through IPC).
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50))

// You can send the native texture handle to native code for importing into your rendering pipeline.
// For example:
// importTextureHandle(dirty, e.texture.textureInfo)

// You must call `e.texture.release()` as soon as possible, before the underlying frame pool is drained.


¥Event: 'devtools-reload-page'

当 devtools 窗口指示 webContents 重新加载时发出

¥Emitted when the devtools window instructs the webContents to reload


¥Event: 'will-attach-webview'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • webPreferences WebPreferences - 访客页面将使用的网络首选项。可以修改此对象以调整访客页面的首选项。

    ¥webPreferences WebPreferences - The web preferences that will be used by the guest page. This object can be modified to adjust the preferences for the guest page.

  • params 记录<字符串,字符串> - 其他 <webview> 参数,例如 src URL。可以修改该对象来调整访客页面的参数。

    ¥params Record<string, string> - The other <webview> parameters such as the src URL. This object can be modified to adjust the parameters of the guest page.

<webview> 的网页内容附加到此网页内容时发出。调用 event.preventDefault() 将破坏访客页面。

¥Emitted when a <webview>'s web contents is being attached to this web contents. Calling event.preventDefault() will destroy the guest page.

此事件可用于在加载 <webview> 之前为 <webview>webContents 配置 webPreferences,并提供设置无法通过 <webview> 属性设置的设置的功能。

¥This event can be used to configure webPreferences for the webContents of a <webview> before it's loaded, and provides the ability to set settings that can't be set via <webview> attributes.


¥Event: 'did-attach-webview'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • webContents WebContents - <webview> 使用的访客 Web 内容。

    ¥webContents WebContents - The guest web contents that is used by the <webview>.

<webview> 附加到此 Web 内容时发出。

¥Emitted when a <webview> has been attached to this web contents.


¥Event: 'console-message'



  • details 事件<>

    ¥details Event<>

    • message 字符串 - 消息文本

      ¥message string - Message text

    • level 字符串 - 消息严重性可能的值包括 infowarningerrordebug

      ¥level string - Message severity Possible values include info, warning, error, and debug.

    • lineNumber 整数 - 日志源中的行号

      ¥lineNumber Integer - Line number in the log source

    • sourceId 字符串 - 日志源的 URL

      ¥sourceId string - URL of the log source

    • frame Web 框架主 - 记录消息的框架

      ¥frame WebFrameMain - Frame that logged the message

  • level 整数 已弃用 - 日志级别,从 0 到 3。按照顺序,它匹配 verboseinfowarningerror

    ¥level Integer Deprecated - The log level, from 0 to 3. In order it matches verbose, info, warning and error.

  • message 字符串 已弃用 - 实际的控制台消息

    ¥message string Deprecated - The actual console message

  • line 整数 已弃用 - 触发此控制台消息的源的行号

    ¥line Integer Deprecated - The line number of the source that triggered this console message

  • sourceId 字符串 已弃用

    ¥sourceId string Deprecated


¥Emitted when the associated window logs a console message.


¥Event: 'preload-error'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • preloadPath 字符串

    ¥preloadPath string

  • error 错误

    ¥error Error

当预加载脚本 preloadPath 抛出未处理的异常 error 时发出。

¥Emitted when the preload script preloadPath throws an unhandled exception error.


¥Event: 'ipc-message'



当渲染器进程通过 ipcRenderer.send() 发送异步消息时发出。

¥Emitted when the renderer process sends an asynchronous message via ipcRenderer.send().

另请参见 webContents.ipc,它提供了类似 IpcMain 的接口,用于专门响应来自此 WebContents 的 IPC 消息。

¥See also webContents.ipc, which provides an IpcMain-like interface for responding to IPC messages specifically from this WebContents.


¥Event: 'ipc-message-sync'



当渲染器进程通过 ipcRenderer.sendSync() 发送同步消息时发出。

¥Emitted when the renderer process sends a synchronous message via ipcRenderer.sendSync().

另请参见 webContents.ipc,它提供了类似 IpcMain 的接口,用于专门响应来自此 WebContents 的 IPC 消息。

¥See also webContents.ipc, which provides an IpcMain-like interface for responding to IPC messages specifically from this WebContents.


¥Event: 'preferred-size-changed'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • preferredSize 尺寸 - 包含文档布局所需的最小尺寸(无需滚动)。

    ¥preferredSize Size - The minimum size needed to contain the layout of the document—without requiring scrolling.

WebContents 首选大小更改时发出。

¥Emitted when the WebContents preferred size has changed.

仅当 webPreferences 中的 enablePreferredSizeMode 设置为 true 时才会发出此事件。

¥This event will only be emitted when enablePreferredSizeMode is set to true in webPreferences.


¥Event: 'frame-created'



  • event 事件

    ¥event Event

  • details 对象

    ¥details Object

    • frame WebFrameMain | null - 创建的框架。如果在框架导航或被销毁后访问,则可能是 null

      ¥frame WebFrameMain | null - The created frame. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.

mainFrame<iframe> 或嵌套 <iframe> 在页面内加载时发出。

¥Emitted when the mainFrame, an <iframe>, or a nested <iframe> is loaded within the page.


¥Instance Methods

contents.loadURL(url[, options])

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • httpReferrer(字符串 | 推荐人)(可选) - HTTP 引用网址。

      ¥httpReferrer (string | Referrer) (optional) - An HTTP Referrer url.

    • userAgent 字符串(可选) - 发起请求的用户代理。

      ¥userAgent string (optional) - A user agent originating the request.

    • extraHeaders 字符串(可选) - 额外的标头由 "\n" 分隔。

      ¥extraHeaders string (optional) - Extra headers separated by "\n".

    • postData (上传原始数据 | UploadFile)[](可选)

      ¥postData (UploadRawData | UploadFile)[] (optional)

    • baseURLForDataURL 字符串(可选) - 数据 url 加载的文件的基本 url(带有尾随路径分隔符)。仅当指定的 url 是数据 url 并且需要加载其他文件时才需要这样做。

      ¥baseURLForDataURL string (optional) - Base url (with trailing path separator) for files to be loaded by the data url. This is needed only if the specified url is a data url and needs to load other files.

返回 Promise<void> - 当页面加载完成时,promise 将解析(参见 did-finish-load),如果页面加载失败,则拒绝(参见 did-fail-load)。已附加 noop 拒绝处理程序,这可以避免未处理的拒绝错误。

¥Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load). A noop rejection handler is already attached, which avoids unhandled rejection errors.

在窗口中加载 urlurl 必须包含协议前缀,例如 http://file://。如果负载应绕过 http 缓存,则使用 pragma 标头来实现。

¥Loads the url in the window. The url must contain the protocol prefix, e.g. the http:// or file://. If the load should bypass http cache then use the pragma header to achieve it.

const win = new BrowserWindow()
const options = { extraHeaders: 'pragma: no-cache\n' }
win.webContents.loadURL('', options)

contents.loadFile(filePath[, options])

  • filePath 字符串

    ¥filePath string

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • query 记录<字符串,字符串>(可选) - 传递至 url.format()

      ¥query Record<string, string> (optional) - Passed to url.format().

    • search 字符串(可选) - 传递至 url.format()

      ¥search string (optional) - Passed to url.format().

    • hash 字符串(可选) - 传递至 url.format()

      ¥hash string (optional) - Passed to url.format().

返回 Promise<void> - 当页面加载完成时,promise 将解析(参见 did-finish-load),如果页面加载失败,则拒绝(参见 did-fail-load)。

¥Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

在窗口中加载给定文件,filePath 应该是相对于应用根目录的 HTML 文件的路径。例如这样的应用结构:

¥Loads the given file in the window, filePath should be a path to an HTML file relative to the root of your application. For instance an app structure like this:

| root
| - package.json
| - src
| - main.js
| - index.html


¥Would require code like this

const win = new BrowserWindow()

contents.downloadURL(url[, options])

  • url 字符串

    ¥url string

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • headers 记录<字符串,字符串>(可选) - HTTP 请求标头。

      ¥headers Record<string, string> (optional) - HTTP request headers.

无需导航即可启动 url 处资源的下载。sessionwill-download 事件将被触发。

¥Initiates a download of the resource at url without navigating. The will-download event of session will be triggered.


返回 string - 当前网页的 URL。

¥Returns string - The URL of the current web page.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.loadURL('').then(() => {
const currentURL = win.webContents.getURL()


返回 string - 当前网页的标题。

¥Returns string - The title of the current web page.


返回 boolean - 网页是否被破坏。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the web page is destroyed.


  • opts 对象(可选)

    ¥opts Object (optional)

    • waitForBeforeUnload 布尔值 - 如果为 true,则在关闭页面之前触发 beforeunload 事件。如果页面阻止卸载,则 WebContents 将不会关闭。如果页面请求阻止卸载,则 will-prevent-unload 将被触发。

      ¥waitForBeforeUnload boolean - if true, fire the beforeunload event before closing the page. If the page prevents the unload, the WebContents will not be closed. The will-prevent-unload will be fired if the page requests prevention of unload.

关闭页面,就像网页内容名为 window.close() 一样。

¥Closes the page, as if the web content had called window.close().

如果页面成功关闭(即页面未阻止卸载,或者 waitForBeforeUnload 为 false 或未指定),则 WebContents 将被销毁并且不再可用。将发出 destroyed 事件。

¥If the page is successfully closed (i.e. the unload is not prevented by the page, or waitForBeforeUnload is false or unspecified), the WebContents will be destroyed and no longer usable. The destroyed event will be emitted.



¥Focuses the web page.


返回 boolean - 网页是否获得焦点。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the web page is focused.


返回 boolean - 网页是否仍在加载资源。

¥Returns boolean - Whether web page is still loading resources.


返回 boolean - 主框架(而不仅仅是 iframe 或其中的框架)是否仍在加载。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the main frame (and not just iframes or frames within it) is still loading.


返回 boolean - 网页是否正在等待页面主资源的第一响应。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the web page is waiting for a first-response from the main resource of the page.



¥Stops any pending navigation.



¥Reloads the current web page.



¥Reloads current page and ignores cache.

contents.canGoBack() 已弃用

¥contents.canGoBack() Deprecated


返回 boolean - 浏览器是否可以返回上一个网页。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the browser can go back to previous web page.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.canGoBack API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.canGoBack API.

contents.canGoForward() 已弃用

¥contents.canGoForward() Deprecated


返回 boolean - 浏览器是否可以前进到下一个网页。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the browser can go forward to next web page.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.canGoForward API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.canGoForward API.

contents.canGoToOffset(offset) 已弃用

¥contents.canGoToOffset(offset) Deprecated

  • offset 整数

    ¥offset Integer

返回 boolean - 网页是否可以转到 offset

¥Returns boolean - Whether the web page can go to offset.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.canGoToOffset API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.canGoToOffset API.

contents.clearHistory() 已弃用

¥contents.clearHistory() Deprecated



¥Clears the navigation history.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.clear API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.clear API.

contents.goBack() 已弃用

¥contents.goBack() Deprecated



¥Makes the browser go back a web page.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.goBack API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.goBack API.

contents.goForward() 已弃用

¥contents.goForward() Deprecated



¥Makes the browser go forward a web page.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.goForward API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.goForward API.

contents.goToIndex(index) 已弃用

¥contents.goToIndex(index) Deprecated

  • index 整数

    ¥index Integer


¥Navigates browser to the specified absolute web page index.

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.goToIndex API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.goToIndex API.

contents.goToOffset(offset) 已弃用

¥contents.goToOffset(offset) Deprecated

  • offset 整数

    ¥offset Integer

导航到距 "当前条目" 的指定偏移量。

¥Navigates to the specified offset from the "current entry".

已弃用:应该使用新的 contents.navigationHistory.goToOffset API。

¥Deprecated: Should use the new contents.navigationHistory.goToOffset API.


返回 boolean - 渲染器进程是否崩溃。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the renderer process has crashed.


强制终止当前托管此 webContents 的渲染器进程。这将导致 render-process-gone 事件与 reason=killed || reason=crashed 一起发出。请注意,某些 webContents 共享渲染器进程,因此调用此方法也可能导致其他 webContents 的主机进程崩溃。

¥Forcefully terminates the renderer process that is currently hosting this webContents. This will cause the render-process-gone event to be emitted with the reason=killed || reason=crashed. Please note that some webContents share renderer processes and therefore calling this method may also crash the host process for other webContents as well.

调用此方法后立即调用 reload() 将强制在新进程中进行重新加载。当该进程不稳定或不可用时,应使用此方法,例如为了从 unresponsive 事件中恢复。

¥Calling reload() immediately after calling this method will force the reload to occur in a new process. This should be used when this process is unstable or unusable, for instance in order to recover from the unresponsive event.

const win = new BrowserWindow()

win.webContents.on('unresponsive', async () => {
const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox({
message: 'App X has become unresponsive',
title: 'Do you want to try forcefully reloading the app?',
buttons: ['OK', 'Cancel'],
cancelId: 1
if (response === 0) {


  • userAgent 字符串

    ¥userAgent string


¥Overrides the user agent for this web page.


返回 string - 该网页的用户代理。

¥Returns string - The user agent for this web page.

contents.insertCSS(css[, options])

  • css 字符串

    ¥css string

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • cssOrigin 字符串(可选) - 可以是 'user' 或 'author'。设置插入样式表的 级联起源。默认为 'author'。

      ¥cssOrigin string (optional) - Can be 'user' or 'author'. Sets the cascade origin of the inserted stylesheet. Default is 'author'.

返回 Promise<string> - 一个使用插入 CSS 的密钥进行解析的 promise,稍后可以使用该密钥通过 contents.removeInsertedCSS(key) 删除 CSS。

¥Returns Promise<string> - A promise that resolves with a key for the inserted CSS that can later be used to remove the CSS via contents.removeInsertedCSS(key).

将 CSS 注入当前网页并返回插入样式表的唯一键。

¥Injects CSS into the current web page and returns a unique key for the inserted stylesheet.

const win = new BrowserWindow()
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
win.webContents.insertCSS('html, body { background-color: #f00; }')


  • key 字符串

    ¥key string

返回 Promise<void> - 解决是否删除成功。

¥Returns Promise<void> - Resolves if the removal was successful.

从当前网页中删除插入的 CSS。样式表由其键标识,该键从 contents.insertCSS(css) 返回。

¥Removes the inserted CSS from the current web page. The stylesheet is identified by its key, which is returned from contents.insertCSS(css).

const win = new BrowserWindow()

win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', async () => {
const key = await win.webContents.insertCSS('html, body { background-color: #f00; }')

contents.executeJavaScript(code[, userGesture])

  • code 字符串

    ¥code string

  • userGesture 布尔值(可选) - 默认为 false

    ¥userGesture boolean (optional) - Default is false.

返回 Promise<any> - 根据执行代码的结果进行解析的 Promise,或者如果代码的结果是被拒绝的 Promise,则被拒绝。

¥Returns Promise<any> - A promise that resolves with the result of the executed code or is rejected if the result of the code is a rejected promise.

评估页面中的 code

¥Evaluates code in page.

在浏览器窗口中,某些 HTML API(例如 requestFullScreen)只能通过用户的手势来调用。将 userGesture 设置为 true 将消除此限制。

¥In the browser window some HTML APIs like requestFullScreen can only be invoked by a gesture from the user. Setting userGesture to true will remove this limitation.


¥Code execution will be suspended until web page stop loading.

const win = new BrowserWindow()

win.webContents.executeJavaScript('fetch("").then(resp => resp.json())', true)
.then((result) => {
console.log(result) // Will be the JSON object from the fetch call

contents.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(worldId, scripts[, userGesture])

  • worldId 整数 - 运行 javascript 的世界的 ID,0 是默认世界,999 是 Electron 的 contextIsolation 功能使用的世界。你可以在此处提供任何整数。

    ¥worldId Integer - The ID of the world to run the javascript in, 0 is the default world, 999 is the world used by Electron's contextIsolation feature. You can provide any integer here.

  • scripts WebSource[]

  • userGesture 布尔值(可选) - 默认为 false

    ¥userGesture boolean (optional) - Default is false.

返回 Promise<any> - 根据执行代码的结果进行解析的 Promise,或者如果代码的结果是被拒绝的 Promise,则被拒绝。

¥Returns Promise<any> - A promise that resolves with the result of the executed code or is rejected if the result of the code is a rejected promise.

executeJavaScript 类似,但在孤立的上下文中评估 scripts

¥Works like executeJavaScript but evaluates scripts in an isolated context.


  • ignore 布尔值

    ¥ignore boolean

当此 Web 内容获得焦点时,忽略应用菜单快捷方式。

¥Ignore application menu shortcuts while this web contents is focused.


  • handler Function<WindowOpenHandlerResponse>

    • details 对象

      ¥details Object

      • url 字符串 - 传递给 的 URL 的解析版本。例如 用'foo') 打开一个窗口将产生类似 https://the-origin/the/current/path/foo 的结果。

        ¥url string - The resolved version of the URL passed to e.g. opening a window with'foo') will yield something like https://the-origin/the/current/path/foo.

      • frameName 字符串 - 中提供的窗口名称

        ¥frameName string - Name of the window provided in

      • features 字符串 - 提供给 的以逗号分隔的窗口功能列表。

        ¥features string - Comma separated list of window features provided to

      • disposition 字符串 - 可以是 defaultforeground-tabbackground-tabnew-windowother

        ¥disposition string - Can be default, foreground-tab, background-tab, new-window or other.

      • referrer 推荐人 - 将传递到新窗口的引荐来源网址。可能会也可能不会导致发送 Referer 标头,具体取决于引荐来源网址策略。

        ¥referrer Referrer - The referrer that will be passed to the new window. May or may not result in the Referer header being sent, depending on the referrer policy.

      • postBody PostBody(可选) - 将发送到新窗口的发布数据以及将设置的适当标头。如果不发送 post 数据,则该值为 null。仅当窗口由设置 target=_blank 的表单创建时才定义。

        ¥postBody PostBody (optional) - The post data that will be sent to the new window, along with the appropriate headers that will be set. If no post data is to be sent, the value will be null. Only defined when the window is being created by a form that set target=_blank.

    返回 WindowOpenHandlerResponse - 设置为 { action: 'deny' } 时,将取消新窗口的创建。{ action: 'allow' } 将允许创建新窗口。返回无法识别的值(例如 null、未定义或没有识别的 'action' 值的对象)将导致控制台错误,并且与返回 {action: 'deny'} 具有相同的效果。

    ¥Returns WindowOpenHandlerResponse - When set to { action: 'deny' } cancels the creation of the new window. { action: 'allow' } will allow the new window to be created. Returning an unrecognized value such as a null, undefined, or an object without a recognized 'action' value will result in a console error and have the same effect as returning {action: 'deny'}.

在创建窗口之前调用,渲染器请求新窗口,例如 通过"_blank" 的链接、Shift+单击链接或通过 <form target="_blank"> 提交表单。有关更多详细信息以及如何将其与 did-create-window 结合使用,请参阅

¥Called before creating a window a new window is requested by the renderer, e.g. by, a link with target="_blank", shift+clicking on a link, or submitting a form with <form target="_blank">. See for more details and how to use this in conjunction with did-create-window.

一个示例,展示如何自定义新 BrowserWindow 创建过程,以便将 BrowserView 附加到主窗口:

¥An example showing how to customize the process of new BrowserWindow creation to be BrowserView attached to main window instead:

const { BrowserView, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow()

mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
return {
action: 'allow',
createWindow: (options) => {
const browserView = new BrowserView(options)
browserView.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 640, height: 480 })
return browserView.webContents


  • muted 布尔值

    ¥muted boolean


¥Mute the audio on the current web page.


返回 boolean - 该页面是否已静音。

¥Returns boolean - Whether this page has been muted.


返回 boolean - 当前是否正在播放音频。

¥Returns boolean - Whether audio is currently playing.


  • factor 双倍的 - 变焦倍数;默认值为 1.0。

    ¥factor Double - Zoom factor; default is 1.0.

将缩放系数更改为指定系数。缩放系数是缩放百分比除以 100,因此 300% = 3.0。

¥Changes the zoom factor to the specified factor. Zoom factor is zoom percent divided by 100, so 300% = 3.0.

该系数必须大于 0.0。

¥The factor must be greater than 0.0.


返回 number - 当前的缩放系数。

¥Returns number - the current zoom factor.


  • level 数字 - 缩放级别。

    ¥level number - Zoom level.

将缩放级别更改为指定级别。原始大小为 0,上方或下方的每个增量表示放大或缩小 20%,分别达到原始大小的 300% 和 50% 的默认限制。其公式为 scale := 1.2 ^ level

¥Changes the zoom level to the specified level. The original size is 0 and each increment above or below represents zooming 20% larger or smaller to default limits of 300% and 50% of original size, respectively. The formula for this is scale := 1.2 ^ level.

注意:Chromium 级别的缩放策略是同源的,这意味着特定域的缩放级别会传播到具有相同域的所有窗口实例。区分窗口 URL 将使缩放针对每个窗口起作用。

¥NOTE: The zoom policy at the Chromium level is same-origin, meaning that the zoom level for a specific domain propagates across all instances of windows with the same domain. Differentiating the window URLs will make zoom work per-window.


返回 number - 当前的缩放级别。

¥Returns number - the current zoom level.

contents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(minimumLevel, maximumLevel)

  • minimumLevel 数字

    ¥minimumLevel number

  • maximumLevel 数字

    ¥maximumLevel number

返回 Promise<void>

¥Returns Promise<void>


¥Sets the maximum and minimum pinch-to-zoom level.

注意:Electron 中默认禁用视觉缩放。要重新启用它,请调用:

¥NOTE: Visual zoom is disabled by default in Electron. To re-enable it, call:

const win = new BrowserWindow()
win.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 3)


在网页中执行编辑命令 undo

¥Executes the editing command undo in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 redo

¥Executes the editing command redo in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 cut

¥Executes the editing command cut in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 copy

¥Executes the editing command copy in web page.



¥Centers the current text selection in web page.

contents.copyImageAt(x, y)

  • x 整数

    ¥x Integer

  • y 整数

    ¥y Integer


¥Copy the image at the given position to the clipboard.


在网页中执行编辑命令 paste

¥Executes the editing command paste in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 pasteAndMatchStyle

¥Executes the editing command pasteAndMatchStyle in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 delete

¥Executes the editing command delete in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 selectAll

¥Executes the editing command selectAll in web page.


在网页中执行编辑命令 unselect

¥Executes the editing command unselect in web page.


滚动到当前 webContents 的顶部。

¥Scrolls to the top of the current webContents.


滚动到当前 webContents 的底部。

¥Scrolls to the bottom of the current webContents.


  • options 对象

    ¥options Object

    • start 数量(可选) - 移动当前选择的起始索引的量。

      ¥start Number (optional) - Amount to shift the start index of the current selection.

    • end 数量(可选) - 移动当前选择的结束索引的量。

      ¥end Number (optional) - Amount to shift the end index of the current selection.


¥Adjusts the current text selection starting and ending points in the focused frame by the given amounts. A negative amount moves the selection towards the beginning of the document, and a positive amount moves the selection towards the end of the document.



const win = new BrowserWindow()

// Adjusts the beginning of the selection 1 letter forward,
// and the end of the selection 5 letters forward.
win.webContents.adjustSelection({ start: 1, end: 5 })

// Adjusts the beginning of the selection 2 letters forward,
// and the end of the selection 3 letters backward.
win.webContents.adjustSelection({ start: 2, end: -3 })

对于 win.webContents.adjustSelection({ start: 1, end: 5 }) 的调用

¥For a call of win.webContents.adjustSelection({ start: 1, end: 5 })



Image Before Text Selection Adjustment



Image After Text Selection Adjustment


  • text 字符串

    ¥text string

在网页中执行编辑命令 replace

¥Executes the editing command replace in web page.


  • text 字符串

    ¥text string

在网页中执行编辑命令 replaceMisspelling

¥Executes the editing command replaceMisspelling in web page.


  • text 字符串

    ¥text string

返回 Promise<void>

¥Returns Promise<void>

text 插入到焦点元素中。

¥Inserts text to the focused element.

contents.findInPage(text[, options])

  • text 字符串 - 要搜索的内容,不能为空。

    ¥text string - Content to be searched, must not be empty.

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • forward 布尔值(可选) - 向前或向后搜索,默认为 true

      ¥forward boolean (optional) - Whether to search forward or backward, defaults to true.

    • findNext 布尔值(可选) - 是否使用此请求开始新的文本查找会话。对于初始请求应为 true,对于后续请求应为 false。默认为 false

      ¥findNext boolean (optional) - Whether to begin a new text finding session with this request. Should be true for initial requests, and false for follow-up requests. Defaults to false.

    • matchCase 布尔值(可选) - 搜索是否区分大小写,默认为 false

      ¥matchCase boolean (optional) - Whether search should be case-sensitive, defaults to false.

返回 Integer - 用于请求的请求 ID。

¥Returns Integer - The request id used for the request.

启动请求以查找网页中 text 的所有匹配项。请求的结果可以通过订阅 found-in-page 事件来获取。

¥Starts a request to find all matches for the text in the web page. The result of the request can be obtained by subscribing to found-in-page event.


  • action 字符串 - 指定结束 webContents.findInPage 请求时要执行的操作。

    ¥action string - Specifies the action to take place when ending webContents.findInPage request.

    • clearSelection - 清除选择。

      ¥clearSelection - Clear the selection.

    • keepSelection - 将选择转换为正常选择。

      ¥keepSelection - Translate the selection into a normal selection.

    • activateSelection - 聚焦并单击选择节点。

      ¥activateSelection - Focus and click the selection node.

使用提供的 action 停止对 webContents 的任何 findInPage 请求。

¥Stops any findInPage request for the webContents with the provided action.

const win = new BrowserWindow()
win.webContents.on('found-in-page', (event, result) => {
if (result.finalUpdate) win.webContents.stopFindInPage('clearSelection')

const requestId = win.webContents.findInPage('api')

contents.capturePage([rect, opts])

  • rect 长方形(可选) - 要捕获的页面区域。

    ¥rect Rectangle (optional) - The area of the page to be captured.

  • opts 对象(可选)

    ¥opts Object (optional)

    • stayHidden 布尔值(可选) - 保持页面隐藏而不是可见。默认为 false

      ¥stayHidden boolean (optional) - Keep the page hidden instead of visible. Default is false.

    • stayAwake 布尔值(可选) - 保持系统清醒而不是让它休眠。默认为 false

      ¥stayAwake boolean (optional) - Keep the system awake instead of allowing it to sleep. Default is false.

返回 Promise<NativeImage> - 用 NativeImage 解决

¥Returns Promise<NativeImage> - Resolves with a NativeImage

捕获 rect 内页面的快照。省略 rect 将捕获整个可见页面。当浏览器窗口隐藏且捕获器计数非零时,页面被视为可见。如果你希望页面保持隐藏状态,则应确保 stayHidden 设置为 true。

¥Captures a snapshot of the page within rect. Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page. The page is considered visible when its browser window is hidden and the capturer count is non-zero. If you would like the page to stay hidden, you should ensure that stayHidden is set to true.


返回 boolean - 该页面是否正在被捕获。当捕获器计数大于 0 时,它返回 true。

¥Returns boolean - Whether this page is being captured. It returns true when the capturer count is greater than 0.



¥Get the system printer list.

返回 Promise<PrinterInfo[]> - 用 PrinterInfo[] 解决

¥Returns Promise<PrinterInfo[]> - Resolves with a PrinterInfo[]

contents.print([options], [callback])

  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • silent 布尔值(可选) - 不要询问用户打印设置。默认为 false

      ¥silent boolean (optional) - Don't ask user for print settings. Default is false.

    • printBackground 布尔值(可选) - 打印网页的背景颜色和图片。默认为 false

      ¥printBackground boolean (optional) - Prints the background color and image of the web page. Default is false.

    • deviceName 字符串(可选) - 设置要使用的打印机设备名称。必须是系统定义的名称,而不是 'friendly' 名称,例如 'Brother_QL_820NWB' 而不是 'Brother QL-820NWB'。

      ¥deviceName string (optional) - Set the printer device name to use. Must be the system-defined name and not the 'friendly' name, e.g 'Brother_QL_820NWB' and not 'Brother QL-820NWB'.

    • color 布尔值(可选) - 设置打印的网页是彩色还是灰度。默认为 true

      ¥color boolean (optional) - Set whether the printed web page will be in color or grayscale. Default is true.

    • margins 对象(可选)

      ¥margins Object (optional)

      • marginType 字符串(可选) - 可以是 defaultnoneprintableAreacustom。如果选择 custom,你还需要指定 topbottomleftright

        ¥marginType string (optional) - Can be default, none, printableArea, or custom. If custom is chosen, you will also need to specify top, bottom, left, and right.

      • top 号码(可选) - 打印网页的上边距(以像素为单位)。

        ¥top number (optional) - The top margin of the printed web page, in pixels.

      • bottom 号码(可选) - 打印网页的下边距,以像素为单位。

        ¥bottom number (optional) - The bottom margin of the printed web page, in pixels.

      • left 号码(可选) - 打印网页的左边距,以像素为单位。

        ¥left number (optional) - The left margin of the printed web page, in pixels.

      • right 号码(可选) - 打印网页的右边距,以像素为单位。

        ¥right number (optional) - The right margin of the printed web page, in pixels.

    • landscape 布尔值(可选) - 网页是否应以横向模式打印。默认为 false

      ¥landscape boolean (optional) - Whether the web page should be printed in landscape mode. Default is false.

    • scaleFactor 号码(可选) - 网页的比例因子。

      ¥scaleFactor number (optional) - The scale factor of the web page.

    • pagesPerSheet 号码(可选) - 每页要打印的页数。

      ¥pagesPerSheet number (optional) - The number of pages to print per page sheet.

    • collate 布尔值(可选) - 网页是否需要整理。

      ¥collate boolean (optional) - Whether the web page should be collated.

    • copies 号码(可选) - 要打印的网页份数。

      ¥copies number (optional) - The number of copies of the web page to print.

    • pageRanges Object[] (optional) - 要打印的页面范围。在 macOS 上,仅支持一个范围。

      ¥pageRanges Object[] (optional) - The page range to print. On macOS, only one range is honored.

      • from 数字 - 要打印的第一页的索引(从 0 开始)。

        ¥from number - Index of the first page to print (0-based).

      • to 数字 - 要打印的最后一页的索引(包含)(从 0 开始)。

        ¥to number - Index of the last page to print (inclusive) (0-based).

    • duplexMode 字符串(可选) - 设置打印网页的双面模式。可以是 simplexshortEdgelongEdge

      ¥duplexMode string (optional) - Set the duplex mode of the printed web page. Can be simplex, shortEdge, or longEdge.

    • dpi 记录<字符串,数字>(可选)

      ¥dpi Record<string, number> (optional)

      • horizontal 号码(可选) - 水平 dpi。

        ¥horizontal number (optional) - The horizontal dpi.

      • vertical 号码(可选) - 垂直 dpi。

        ¥vertical number (optional) - The vertical dpi.

    • header 字符串(可选) - 要打印为页眉的字符串。

      ¥header string (optional) - string to be printed as page header.

    • footer 字符串(可选) - 要打印为页脚的字符串。

      ¥footer string (optional) - string to be printed as page footer.

    • pageSize 字符串 | 尺寸(可选) - 指定打印文档的页面尺寸。可以是 A0A1A2A3A4A5A6LegalLetterTabloid 或包含 heightwidth 的对象。

      ¥pageSize string | Size (optional) - Specify page size of the printed document. Can be A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, Legal, Letter, Tabloid or an Object containing height and width.

  • callback 功能(可选)

    ¥callback Function (optional)

    • success 布尔值 - 表明打印调用成功。

      ¥success boolean - Indicates success of the print call.

    • failureReason 字符串 - 打印失败回调的错误描述。

      ¥failureReason string - Error description called back if the print fails.

当自定义 pageSize 被传递时,Chromium 会尝试验证 width_micronsheight_microns 的平台特定最小值。宽度和高度必须至少为 353 微米,但在某些操作系统上可能会更高。

¥When a custom pageSize is passed, Chromium attempts to validate platform specific minimum values for width_microns and height_microns. Width and height must both be minimum 353 microns but may be higher on some operating systems.

打印窗口的网页。当 silent 设置为 true 时,如果 deviceName 为空,Electron 将选择系统默认打印机并使用默认设置进行打印。

¥Prints window's web page. When silent is set to true, Electron will pick the system's default printer if deviceName is empty and the default settings for printing.

使用 page-break-before: always; CSS 样式强制打印到新页面。

¥Use page-break-before: always; CSS style to force to print to a new page.


¥Example usage:

const win = new BrowserWindow()
const options = {
silent: true,
deviceName: 'My-Printer',
pageRanges: [{
from: 0,
to: 1
win.webContents.print(options, (success, errorType) => {
if (!success) console.log(errorType)


  • options 对象

    ¥options Object

    • landscape 布尔值(可选) - 纸张方向。true 为横向,false 为纵向。默认为 false。

      ¥landscape boolean (optional) - Paper orientation.true for landscape, false for portrait. Defaults to false.

    • displayHeaderFooter 布尔值(可选) - 是否显示页眉和页脚。默认为 false。

      ¥displayHeaderFooter boolean (optional) - Whether to display header and footer. Defaults to false.

    • printBackground 布尔值(可选) - 是否打印背景图形。默认为 false。

      ¥printBackground boolean (optional) - Whether to print background graphics. Defaults to false.

    • scale 号(可选) - 网页渲染的比例。默认为 1。

      ¥scale number(optional) - Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.

    • pageSize 字符串 | 尺寸(可选) - 指定生成的 PDF 的页面大小。可以是 A0A1A2A3A4A5A6LegalLetterTabloidLedger 或包含 heightwidth(以英寸为单位)的对象。默认为 Letter

      ¥pageSize string | Size (optional) - Specify page size of the generated PDF. Can be A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, Legal, Letter, Tabloid, Ledger, or an Object containing height and width in inches. Defaults to Letter.

    • margins 对象(可选)

      ¥margins Object (optional)

      • top 号码(可选) - 上边距(以英寸为单位)。默认为 1 厘米(~0.4 英寸)。

        ¥top number (optional) - Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).

      • bottom 号码(可选) - Bottom margin in inches.默认为 1 厘米(~0.4 英寸)。

        ¥bottom number (optional) - Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).

      • left 号码(可选) - 左边距以英寸为单位。默认为 1 厘米(~0.4 英寸)。

        ¥left number (optional) - Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).

      • right 号码(可选) - 右边距以英寸为单位。默认为 1 厘米(~0.4 英寸)。

        ¥right number (optional) - Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).

    • pageRanges 字符串(可选) - 要打印的页面范围,例如 '1-5, 8, 11-13'。默认为空字符串,表示打印所有页面。

      ¥pageRanges string (optional) - Page ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.

    • headerTemplate 字符串(可选) - 打印标题的 HTML 模板。应该是有效的 HTML 标记,具有以下用于将打印值注入其中的类:date(格式化打印日期)、title(文档标题)、url(文档位置)、pageNumber(当前页码)和 totalPages(文档中的总页数)。例如,<span class=title></span> 将生成包含标题的范围。

      ¥headerTemplate string (optional) - HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them: date (formatted print date), title (document title), url (document location), pageNumber (current page number) and totalPages (total pages in the document). For example, <span class=title></span> would generate span containing the title.

    • footerTemplate 字符串(可选) - 打印页脚的 HTML 模板。应使用与 headerTemplate 相同的格式。

      ¥footerTemplate string (optional) - HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the headerTemplate.

    • preferCSSPageSize 布尔值(可选) - 是否首选 css 定义的页面大小。默认为 false,在这种情况下,内容将缩放以适合纸张尺寸。

      ¥preferCSSPageSize boolean (optional) - Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. Defaults to false, in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size.

    • generateTaggedPDF 布尔值(可选)实验 - 是否生成带标签的(可访问的)PDF。默认为 false。由于此属性是实验性的,生成的 PDF 可能不完全符合 PDF/UA 和 WCAG 标准。

      ¥generateTaggedPDF boolean (optional) Experimental - Whether or not to generate a tagged (accessible) PDF. Defaults to false. As this property is experimental, the generated PDF may not adhere fully to PDF/UA and WCAG standards.

    • generateDocumentOutline 布尔值(可选)实验 - 是否从内容标题生成 PDF 文档大纲。默认为 false。

      ¥generateDocumentOutline boolean (optional) Experimental - Whether or not to generate a PDF document outline from content headers. Defaults to false.

返回 Promise<Buffer> - 使用生成的 PDF 数据进行解析。

¥Returns Promise<Buffer> - Resolves with the generated PDF data.

将窗口的网页打印为 PDF。

¥Prints the window's web page as PDF.

如果网页中使用了 @page CSS at 规则,则 landscape 将被忽略。

¥The landscape will be ignored if @page CSS at-rule is used in the web page.

webContents.printToPDF 的一个例子:

¥An example of webContents.printToPDF:

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const fs = require('node:fs')
const path = require('node:path')
const os = require('node:os')

app.whenReady().then(() => {
const win = new BrowserWindow()

win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
// Use default printing options
const pdfPath = path.join(os.homedir(), 'Desktop', 'temp.pdf')
win.webContents.printToPDF({}).then(data => {
fs.writeFile(pdfPath, data, (error) => {
if (error) throw error
console.log(`Wrote PDF successfully to ${pdfPath}`)
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`Failed to write PDF to ${pdfPath}: `, error)

请参阅 Page.printToPdf 了解更多信息。

¥See Page.printToPdf for more information.


  • path 字符串

    ¥path string

将指定路径添加到 DevTools 工作区。必须在创建 DevTools 后使用:

¥Adds the specified path to DevTools workspace. Must be used after DevTools creation:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()
win.webContents.on('devtools-opened', () => {


  • path 字符串

    ¥path string

从 DevTools 工作区中删除指定的路径。

¥Removes the specified path from DevTools workspace.


  • devToolsWebContents WebContents

使用 devToolsWebContents 作为目标 WebContents 来显示开发工具。

¥Uses the devToolsWebContents as the target WebContents to show devtools.

devToolsWebContents 不得进行任何导航,且通话后不得用于其他用途。

¥The devToolsWebContents must not have done any navigation, and it should not be used for other purposes after the call.

默认情况下,Electron 通过创建具有原生视图的内部 WebContents 来管理开发工具,开发者对此的控制非常有限。通过 setDevToolsWebContents 方法,开发者可以使用任何 WebContents 来显示其中的 devtools,包括 BrowserWindowBrowserView<webview> 标签。

¥By default Electron manages the devtools by creating an internal WebContents with native view, which developers have very limited control of. With the setDevToolsWebContents method, developers can use any WebContents to show the devtools in it, including BrowserWindow, BrowserView and <webview> tag.

请注意,关闭开发工具不会破坏 devToolsWebContents,调用者有责任破坏 devToolsWebContents

¥Note that closing the devtools does not destroy the devToolsWebContents, it is caller's responsibility to destroy devToolsWebContents.

<webview> 标签中显示开发工具的示例:

¥An example of showing devtools in a <webview> tag:

<style type="text/css">

* { margin: 0; }
#browser { height: 70%; }
#devtools { height: 30%; }
<webview id="browser" src=""></webview>
<webview id="devtools" src="about:blank"></webview>
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
const emittedOnce = (element, eventName) => new Promise(resolve => {
element.addEventListener(eventName, event => resolve(event), { once: true })
const browserView = document.getElementById('browser')
const devtoolsView = document.getElementById('devtools')
const browserReady = emittedOnce(browserView, 'dom-ready')
const devtoolsReady = emittedOnce(devtoolsView, 'dom-ready')
Promise.all([browserReady, devtoolsReady]).then(() => {
const targetId = browserView.getWebContentsId()
const devtoolsId = devtoolsView.getWebContentsId()
ipcRenderer.send('open-devtools', targetId, devtoolsId)
// Main process
const { ipcMain, webContents } = require('electron')
ipcMain.on('open-devtools', (event, targetContentsId, devtoolsContentsId) => {
const target = webContents.fromId(targetContentsId)
const devtools = webContents.fromId(devtoolsContentsId)

BrowserWindow 中显示开发工具的示例:

¥An example of showing devtools in a BrowserWindow:

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

let win = null
let devtools = null

app.whenReady().then(() => {
win = new BrowserWindow()
devtools = new BrowserWindow()
win.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach' })


  • options 对象(可选)

    ¥options Object (optional)

    • mode 字符串 - 打开具有指定停靠状态的开发工具,可以是 leftrightbottomundockeddetach。默认为上次使用的底座状态。在 undocked 模式下,可以对接回来。在 detach 模式下则不然。

      ¥mode string - Opens the devtools with specified dock state, can be left, right, bottom, undocked, detach. Defaults to last used dock state. In undocked mode it's possible to dock back. In detach mode it's not.

    • activate 布尔值(可选) - 是否将打开的 devtools 窗口带到前台。默认为 true

      ¥activate boolean (optional) - Whether to bring the opened devtools window to the foreground. The default is true.

    • title 字符串(可选) - DevTools 窗口的标题(仅在 undockeddetach 模式下)。

      ¥title string (optional) - A title for the DevTools window (only in undocked or detach mode).


¥Opens the devtools.

contents<webview> 标签时,默认情况下 mode 将是 detach,显式传递空 mode 可以强制使用上次使用的停靠状态。

¥When contents is a <webview> tag, the mode would be detach by default, explicitly passing an empty mode can force using last used dock state.

在 Windows 上,如果启用了 Windows Control Overlay,Devtools 将使用 mode: 'detach' 打开。

¥On Windows, if Windows Control Overlay is enabled, Devtools will be opened with mode: 'detach'.



¥Closes the devtools.


返回 boolean - devtools 是否打开。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the devtools is opened.


返回 boolean - devtools 视图是否聚焦。

¥Returns boolean - Whether the devtools view is focused .


返回 string - DevTools 窗口的当前标题。仅当 DevTools 在 undockeddetach 模式下打开时,此信息才可见。

¥Returns string - the current title of the DevTools window. This will only be visible if DevTools is opened in undocked or detach mode.


  • title 字符串

    ¥title string

将 DevTools 窗口的标题更改为 title。仅当 DevTools 在 undockeddetach 模式下打开时,此信息才可见。

¥Changes the title of the DevTools window to title. This will only be visible if DevTools is opened in undocked or detach mode.



¥Toggles the developer tools.

contents.inspectElement(x, y)

  • x 整数

    ¥x Integer

  • y 整数

    ¥y Integer

开始检查位置 (x, y) 处的元素。

¥Starts inspecting element at position (x, y).



¥Opens the developer tools for the shared worker context.


  • workerId 字符串

    ¥workerId string

根据共享 worker 的 ID 检查共享 worker。

¥Inspects the shared worker based on its ID.


返回 SharedWorkerInfo[] - 有关所有共享工作者的信息。

¥Returns SharedWorkerInfo[] - Information about all Shared Workers.



¥Opens the developer tools for the service worker context.

contents.send(channel, ...args)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • ...args 任何[]

    ¥...args any[]

通过 channel 将异步消息连同参数一起发送到渲染器进程。参数将与 结构化克隆算法 一起序列化,就像 postMessage 一样,因此不会包含原型链。发送函数、Promise、Symbols、WeakMap 或 WeakSet 将引发异常。

¥Send an asynchronous message to the renderer process via channel, along with arguments. Arguments will be serialized with the Structured Clone Algorithm, just like postMessage, so prototype chains will not be included. Sending Functions, Promises, Symbols, WeakMaps, or WeakSets will throw an exception.


发送非标准 JavaScript 类型(例如 DOM 对象或特殊 Electron 对象)将引发异常。

¥Sending non-standard JavaScript types such as DOM objects or special Electron objects will throw an exception.

如需更多阅读,请参阅 Electron 的 IPC 指南

¥For additional reading, refer to Electron's IPC guide.

contents.sendToFrame(frameId, channel, ...args)

  • frameId Integer | [number, number] - 要发送到的帧的 ID,如果该帧与主帧位于不同的进程中,则为一对 [processId, frameId]

    ¥frameId Integer | [number, number] - the ID of the frame to send to, or a pair of [processId, frameId] if the frame is in a different process to the main frame.

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • ...args 任何[]

    ¥...args any[]

通过 channel 将异步消息连同参数一起发送到渲染器进程中的特定帧。参数将与 结构化克隆算法 一起序列化,就像 postMessage 一样,因此不会包含原型链。发送函数、Promise、Symbols、WeakMap 或 WeakSet 将引发异常。

¥Send an asynchronous message to a specific frame in a renderer process via channel, along with arguments. Arguments will be serialized with the Structured Clone Algorithm, just like postMessage, so prototype chains will not be included. Sending Functions, Promises, Symbols, WeakMaps, or WeakSets will throw an exception.

注意:发送非标准 JavaScript 类型(例如 DOM 对象或特殊 Electron 对象)将引发异常。

¥NOTE: Sending non-standard JavaScript types such as DOM objects or special Electron objects will throw an exception.

渲染器进程可以通过使用 ipcRenderer 模块监听 channel 来处理消息。

¥The renderer process can handle the message by listening to channel with the ipcRenderer module.

如果你想获取给定渲染器上下文的 frameId,你应该使用 webFrame.routingId 值。例如。

¥If you want to get the frameId of a given renderer context you should use the webFrame.routingId value. E.g.

// In a renderer process
console.log('My frameId is:', require('electron').webFrame.routingId)

你还可以从主进程中所有传入的 IPC 消息中读取 frameId

¥You can also read frameId from all incoming IPC messages in the main process.

// In the main process
ipcMain.on('ping', (event) => {'Message came from frameId:', event.frameId)

contents.postMessage(channel, message, [transfer])

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • message 任意

    ¥message any

  • transfer MessagePortMain[](可选)

    ¥transfer MessagePortMain[] (optional)

向渲染器进程发送消息,可选择转移零个或多个 MessagePortMain 对象的所有权。

¥Send a message to the renderer process, optionally transferring ownership of zero or more MessagePortMain objects.

通过访问触发事件的 ports 属性,传输的 MessagePortMain 对象将在渲染器进程中可用。当它们到达渲染器时,它们将是原生 DOM MessagePort 对象。

¥The transferred MessagePortMain objects will be available in the renderer process by accessing the ports property of the emitted event. When they arrive in the renderer, they will be native DOM MessagePort objects.


¥For example:

// Main process
const win = new BrowserWindow()
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
win.webContents.postMessage('port', { message: 'hello' }, [port1])

// Renderer process
ipcRenderer.on('port', (e, msg) => {
const [port] = e.ports
// ...


  • parameters 对象

    ¥parameters Object

    • screenPosition 字符串 - 指定要模拟的屏幕类型(默认值:desktop):

      ¥screenPosition string - Specify the screen type to emulate (default: desktop):

      • desktop - 桌面屏幕类型。

        ¥desktop - Desktop screen type.

      • mobile - 移动屏幕类型。

        ¥mobile - Mobile screen type.

    • screenSize 尺寸 - 设置模拟屏幕尺寸(screenPosition == mobile)。

      ¥screenSize Size - Set the emulated screen size (screenPosition == mobile).

    • viewPosition 观点 - 将视图定位在屏幕上(screenPosition == mobile)(默认:{ x: 0, y: 0 }).

      ¥viewPosition Point - Position the view on the screen (screenPosition == mobile) (default: { x: 0, y: 0 }).

    • deviceScaleFactor 整数 - 设置设备比例因子(如果零默认为原始设备比例因子)(默认值:0).

      ¥deviceScaleFactor Integer - Set the device scale factor (if zero defaults to original device scale factor) (default: 0).

    • viewSize 尺寸 - 设置模拟视图大小(空表示不覆盖)

      ¥viewSize Size - Set the emulated view size (empty means no override)

    • scale 漂浮 - 可用空间内模拟视图的比例(不适合视图模式)(默认值:1).

      ¥scale Float - Scale of emulated view inside available space (not in fit to view mode) (default: 1).


¥Enable device emulation with the given parameters.


禁用 webContents.enableDeviceEmulation 启用的设备模拟。

¥Disable device emulation enabled by webContents.enableDeviceEmulation.


将输入 event 发送到页面。注意:包含内容的 BrowserWindow 需要重点关注才能使 sendInputEvent() 工作。

¥Sends an input event to the page. Note: The BrowserWindow containing the contents needs to be focused for sendInputEvent() to work.

contents.beginFrameSubscription([onlyDirty ,]callback)

  • onlyDirty 布尔值(可选) - 默认为 false

    ¥onlyDirty boolean (optional) - Defaults to false.

  • callback 函数

    ¥callback Function

开始订阅演示事件和捕获的帧,当有演示事件时,callback 将与 callback(image, dirtyRect) 一起调用。

¥Begin subscribing for presentation events and captured frames, the callback will be called with callback(image, dirtyRect) when there is a presentation event.

imageNativeImage 的一个实例,用于存储捕获的帧。

¥The image is an instance of NativeImage that stores the captured frame.

dirtyRect 是一个具有 x, y, width, height 属性的对象,用于描述页面的哪一部分被重新绘制。如果 onlyDirty 设置为 true,则 image 将仅包含重绘区域。onlyDirty 默认为 false

¥The dirtyRect is an object with x, y, width, height properties that describes which part of the page was repainted. If onlyDirty is set to true, image will only contain the repainted area. onlyDirty defaults to false.



¥End subscribing for frame presentation events.


  • item 对象

    ¥item Object

    • file 字符串 - 正在拖动的文件的路径。

      ¥file string - The path to the file being dragged.

    • files 字符串[](可选) - 正在拖动的文件的路径。(files 将覆盖 file 字段)

      ¥files string[] (optional) - The paths to the files being dragged. (files will override file field)

    • icon NativeImage | 字符串 - 在 macOS 上,该图片必须非空。

      ¥icon NativeImage | string - The image must be non-empty on macOS.

item 设置为当前拖拽操作的拖动项,file 为要拖动的文件的绝对路径,icon 为拖动时光标下显示的图片。

¥Sets the item as dragging item for current drag-drop operation, file is the absolute path of the file to be dragged, and icon is the image showing under the cursor when dragging.

contents.savePage(fullPath, saveType)

  • fullPath 字符串 - 绝对文件路径。

    ¥fullPath string - The absolute file path.

  • saveType 字符串 - 指定保存类型。

    ¥saveType string - Specify the save type.

    • HTMLOnly - 仅保存页面的 HTML。

      ¥HTMLOnly - Save only the HTML of the page.

    • HTMLComplete - 保存完整的 html 页面。

      ¥HTMLComplete - Save complete-html page.

    • MHTML - 将完整的 html 页面保存为 MHTML。

      ¥MHTML - Save complete-html page as MHTML.

返回 Promise<void> - 如果保存页面则解决。

¥Returns Promise<void> - resolves if the page is saved.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()


win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', async () => {
win.webContents.savePage('/tmp/test.html', 'HTMLComplete').then(() => {
console.log('Page was saved successfully.')
}).catch(err => {

contents.showDefinitionForSelection() macOS


¥Shows pop-up dictionary that searches the selected word on the page.


返回 boolean - 指示是否启用离屏渲染。

¥Returns boolean - Indicates whether offscreen rendering is enabled.



¥If offscreen rendering is enabled and not painting, start painting.



¥If offscreen rendering is enabled and painting, stop painting.


返回 boolean - 如果启用离屏渲染,则返回当前是否正在绘制。

¥Returns boolean - If offscreen rendering is enabled returns whether it is currently painting.


  • fps 整数

    ¥fps Integer

如果启用离屏渲染,则将帧速率设置为指定的数字。仅接受 1 到 240 之间的值。

¥If offscreen rendering is enabled sets the frame rate to the specified number. Only values between 1 and 240 are accepted.


返回 Integer - 如果启用离屏渲染,则返回当前帧速率。

¥Returns Integer - If offscreen rendering is enabled returns the current frame rate.



¥Schedules a full repaint of the window this web contents is in.

如果启用离屏渲染,则该帧无效并通过 'paint' 事件生成一个新帧。

¥If offscreen rendering is enabled invalidates the frame and generates a new one through the 'paint' event.


返回 string - 返回 WebRTC IP 处理策略。

¥Returns string - Returns the WebRTC IP Handling Policy.


  • policy 字符串 - 指定 WebRTC IP 处理策略。

    ¥policy string - Specify the WebRTC IP Handling Policy.

    • default - 公开用户的公共和本地 IP。这是默认行为。当使用该策略时,WebRTC 有权枚举所有接口并绑定它们以发现公共接口。

      ¥default - Exposes user's public and local IPs. This is the default behavior. When this policy is used, WebRTC has the right to enumerate all interfaces and bind them to discover public interfaces.

    • default_public_interface_only - 暴露用户的公共 IP,但不暴露用户的本地 IP。使用此策略时,WebRTC 应该仅使用 http 使用的默认路由。这不会公开任何本地地址。

      ¥default_public_interface_only - Exposes user's public IP, but does not expose user's local IP. When this policy is used, WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This doesn't expose any local addresses.

    • default_public_and_private_interfaces - 公开用户的公共和本地 IP。使用此策略时,WebRTC 应该仅使用 http 使用的默认路由。这也公开了关联的默认私有地址。默认路由是多宿主端点上操作系统选择的路由。

      ¥default_public_and_private_interfaces - Exposes user's public and local IPs. When this policy is used, WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This also exposes the associated default private address. Default route is the route chosen by the OS on a multi-homed endpoint.

    • disable_non_proxied_udp - 不暴露公共或本地 IP。使用此策略时,WebRTC 应仅使用 TCP 来联系对等方或服务器,除非代理服务器支持 UDP。

      ¥disable_non_proxied_udp - Does not expose public or local IPs. When this policy is used, WebRTC should only use TCP to contact peers or servers unless the proxy server supports UDP.

设置 WebRTC IP 处理策略允许你控制通过 WebRTC 公开哪些 IP。详细信息请参见 BrowserLeaks

¥Setting the WebRTC IP handling policy allows you to control which IPs are exposed via WebRTC. See BrowserLeaks for more details.


返回 Object

¥Returns Object:

  • min 整数 - WebRTC 应使用的最小 UDP 端口号。

    ¥min Integer - The minimum UDP port number that WebRTC should use.

  • max 整数 - WebRTC 应使用的最大 UDP 端口号。

    ¥max Integer - The maximum UDP port number that WebRTC should use.

默认情况下,该值为 { min: 0, max: 0 } ,这对 udp 端口范围没有限制。

¥By default this value is { min: 0, max: 0 } , which would apply no restriction on the udp port range.


  • udpPortRange 对象

    ¥udpPortRange Object

    • min 整数 - WebRTC 应使用的最小 UDP 端口号。

      ¥min Integer - The minimum UDP port number that WebRTC should use.

    • max 整数 - WebRTC 应使用的最大 UDP 端口号。

      ¥max Integer - The maximum UDP port number that WebRTC should use.

设置 WebRTC UDP 端口范围允许你限制 WebRTC 使用的 udp 端口范围。默认情况下,端口范围不受限制。注意:要重置为不受限制的端口范围,应将该值设置为 { min: 0, max: 0 }

¥Setting the WebRTC UDP Port Range allows you to restrict the udp port range used by WebRTC. By default the port range is unrestricted. Note: To reset to an unrestricted port range this value should be set to { min: 0, max: 0 }.


  • requestWebContents WebContents - 该 ID 将注册到的 Web 内容。

    ¥requestWebContents WebContents - Web contents that the id will be registered to.

返回 string - WebContents 流的标识符。该标识符可以与 navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia 一起使用,使用 chromeMediaSourcetab。该标识符仅限于其注册的网页内容,且有效期仅 10 秒。

¥Returns string - The identifier of a WebContents stream. This identifier can be used with navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia using a chromeMediaSource of tab. The identifier is restricted to the web contents that it is registered to and is only valid for 10 seconds.


返回 Integer - 相关渲染器进程的操作系统 pid

¥Returns Integer - The operating system pid of the associated renderer process.


返回 Integer - 关联渲染器的 Chromium 内部 pid。可以与帧特定导航事件传递的 frameProcessId 进行比较(例如 did-frame-navigate

¥Returns Integer - The Chromium internal pid of the associated renderer. Can be compared to the frameProcessId passed by frame specific navigation events (e.g. did-frame-navigate)


  • filePath 字符串 - 输出文件的路径。

    ¥filePath string - Path to the output file.

返回 Promise<void> - 指示快照是否创建成功。

¥Returns Promise<void> - Indicates whether the snapshot has been created successfully.

拍摄 V8 堆快照并将其保存到 filePath

¥Takes a V8 heap snapshot and saves it to filePath.


返回 boolean - 当页面变为后台时,此 WebContents 是否会限制动画和计时器。这也会影响页面可见性 API。

¥Returns boolean - whether or not this WebContents will throttle animations and timers when the page becomes backgrounded. This also affects the Page Visibility API.


  • allowed 布尔值

    ¥allowed boolean

控制当页面变为后台时此 WebContents 是否会限制动画和计时器。这也会影响页面可见性 API。

¥Controls whether or not this WebContents will throttle animations and timers when the page becomes backgrounded. This also affects the Page Visibility API.


返回 string - webContent 的类型。可以是 backgroundPagewindowbrowserViewremotewebviewoffscreen

¥Returns string - the type of the webContent. Can be backgroundPage, window, browserView, remote, webview or offscreen.


  • policy 字符串 - 可以是 animateanimateOncenoAnimation

    ¥policy string - Can be animate, animateOnce or noAnimation.

设置此 webContents 的图片动画策略。该策略仅影响新图片,当前正在动画化的现有图片不受影响。这是 Chromium 中的一个已知限制,你可以强制使用 img.src = img.src 重新计算图片动画,这将导致没有网络流量,但会更新动画策略。

¥Sets the image animation policy for this webContents. The policy only affects new images, existing images that are currently being animated are unaffected. This is a known limitation in Chromium, you can force image animation to be recalculated with img.src = img.src which will result in no network traffic but will update the animation policy.

这对应于 Chromium 中的 animationPolicy 辅助功能。

¥This corresponds to the animationPolicy accessibility feature in Chromium.


¥Instance Properties

contents.ipc 只读

¥contents.ipc Readonly

IpcMain 的范围仅限于从此 WebContents 发送的 IPC 消息。

¥An IpcMain scoped to just IPC messages sent from this WebContents.

使用 ipcRenderer.sendipcRenderer.sendSyncipcRenderer.postMessage 发送的 IPC 消息将按以下顺序传递:

¥IPC messages sent with ipcRenderer.send, ipcRenderer.sendSync or ipcRenderer.postMessage will be delivered in the following order:

  1. contents.on('ipc-message')
  2. contents.mainFrame.on(channel)
  3. contents.ipc.on(channel)
  4. ipcMain.on(channel)

将按以下顺序检查在 invoke 上注册的处理程序。第一个定义的将被调用,其余的将被忽略。

¥Handlers registered with invoke will be checked in the following order. The first one that is defined will be called, the rest will be ignored.

  1. contents.mainFrame.handle(channel)
  2. contents.handle(channel)
  3. ipcMain.handle(channel)

在 WebContents 上注册的处理程序或事件监听器将接收从任何框架(包括子框架)发送的 IPC 消息。大多数情况下,只有主机可以发送 IPC 消息。然而,如果启用了 nodeIntegrationInSubFrames 选项,子帧也可以发送 IPC 消息。在这种情况下,处理程序应检查 IPC 事件的 senderFrame 属性,以确保消息来自预期的帧。或者,直接使用 WebFrameMain.ipc 接口在适当的帧上注册处理程序。

¥A handler or event listener registered on the WebContents will receive IPC messages sent from any frame, including child frames. In most cases, only the main frame can send IPC messages. However, if the nodeIntegrationInSubFrames option is enabled, it is possible for child frames to send IPC messages also. In that case, handlers should check the senderFrame property of the IPC event to ensure that the message is coming from the expected frame. Alternatively, register handlers on the appropriate frame directly using the WebFrameMain.ipc interface.


确定此页面是否静音的 boolean 属性。

¥A boolean property that determines whether this page is muted.


确定此网页的用户代理的 string 属性。

¥A string property that determines the user agent for this web page.


确定此 Web 内容的缩放级别的 number 属性。

¥A number property that determines the zoom level for this web contents.

原始大小为 0,上方或下方的每个增量表示放大或缩小 20%,分别达到原始大小的 300% 和 50% 的默认限制。其公式为 scale := 1.2 ^ level

¥The original size is 0 and each increment above or below represents zooming 20% larger or smaller to default limits of 300% and 50% of original size, respectively. The formula for this is scale := 1.2 ^ level.


确定此 Web 内容的缩放系数的 number 属性。

¥A number property that determines the zoom factor for this web contents.

缩放系数是缩放百分比除以 100,因此 300% = 3.0。

¥The zoom factor is the zoom percent divided by 100, so 300% = 3.0.


Integer 属性,将 Web 内容的帧速率设置为指定的数字。仅接受 1 到 240 之间的值。

¥An Integer property that sets the frame rate of the web contents to the specified number. Only values between 1 and 240 are accepted.


¥Only applicable if offscreen rendering is enabled. 只读

¥ Readonly

Integer 代表此 WebContents 的唯一 ID。每个 ID 在整个 Electron 应用的所有 WebContents 实例中都是唯一的。

¥A Integer representing the unique ID of this WebContents. Each ID is unique among all WebContents instances of the entire Electron application.

contents.session 只读

¥contents.session Readonly

此 webContents 使用的 Session

¥A Session used by this webContents.

contents.navigationHistory 只读

¥contents.navigationHistory Readonly

此 webContents 使用的 NavigationHistory

¥A NavigationHistory used by this webContents.

contents.hostWebContents 只读

¥contents.hostWebContents Readonly

可能拥有此 WebContentsWebContents 实例。

¥A WebContents instance that might own this WebContents.

contents.devToolsWebContents 只读

¥contents.devToolsWebContents Readonly

WebContents | null 属性,表示与给定 WebContents 关联的 DevTools WebContents

¥A WebContents | null property that represents the of DevTools WebContents associated with a given WebContents.

注意:用户不应该存储此对象,因为当开发工具关闭时它可能会变成 null

¥Note: Users should never store this object because it may become null when the DevTools has been closed.

contents.debugger 只读

¥contents.debugger Readonly

此 webContents 的 Debugger 实例。

¥A Debugger instance for this webContents.



一个 boolean 属性,用于确定当页面变为后台时此 WebContents 是否会限制动画和计时器。这也会影响页面可见性 API。

¥A boolean property that determines whether or not this WebContents will throttle animations and timers when the page becomes backgrounded. This also affects the Page Visibility API.

contents.mainFrame 只读

¥contents.mainFrame Readonly

WebFrameMain 属性,表示页面框架层次结构的顶部框架。

¥A WebFrameMain property that represents the top frame of the page's frame hierarchy.

contents.opener 只读

¥contents.opener Readonly

WebFrameMain 属性,表示使用 open() 或通过使用目标属性导航链接来打开此 WebContents 的框架。

¥A WebFrameMain property that represents the frame that opened this WebContents, either with open(), or by navigating a link with a target attribute.