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¥Communicate asynchronously from the main process to renderer processes.


¥Process: Main

ipcMain 模块是 事件触发器。当在主进程中使用时,它处理从渲染器进程(网页)发送的异步和同步消息。从渲染器发送的消息将被发送到该模块。

¥The ipcMain module is an Event Emitter. When used in the main process, it handles asynchronous and synchronous messages sent from a renderer process (web page). Messages sent from a renderer will be emitted to this module.

有关使用示例,请查看 工控机教程

¥For usage examples, check out the IPC tutorial.


¥Sending messages

也可以将消息从主进程发送到渲染器进程,请参阅 webContents.send 了解更多信息。

¥It is also possible to send messages from the main process to the renderer process, see webContents.send for more information.

  • 发送消息时,事件名称为 channel

    ¥When sending a message, the event name is the channel.

  • 要响应同步消息,需要设置 event.returnValue

    ¥To reply to a synchronous message, you need to set event.returnValue.

  • 要将异步消息发送回发送者,可以使用 event.reply(...)。此辅助方法将自动处理来自非主框架(例如 iframe)的消息,而 event.sender.send(...) 将始终发送到主框架。

    ¥To send an asynchronous message back to the sender, you can use event.reply(...). This helper method will automatically handle messages coming from frames that aren't the main frame (e.g. iframes) whereas event.sender.send(...) will always send to the main frame.



ipcMain 模块有以下方法来监听事件:

¥The ipcMain module has the following methods to listen for events:

ipcMain.on(channel, listener)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • listener 函数

    ¥listener Function

监听 channel,当有新消息到达时,listener 将与 listener(event, args...) 一起调用。

¥Listens to channel, when a new message arrives listener would be called with listener(event, args...)., listener)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • listener 函数

    ¥listener Function

从指定 channel 的监听器数组中删除指定的 listener

¥Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the specified channel.

ipcMain.once(channel, listener)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • listener 函数

    ¥listener Function

为该事件添加一次性 listener 功能。仅当下次将消息发送到 channel 时才会调用此 listener,之后将其删除。

¥Adds a one time listener function for the event. This listener is invoked only the next time a message is sent to channel, after which it is removed.

ipcMain.addListener(channel, listener)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • listener 函数

    ¥listener Function

ipcMain.on 的别名。

¥Alias for ipcMain.on.

ipcMain.removeListener(channel, listener)

  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

  • listener 函数

    ¥listener Function

    • ...args 任何[]

      ¥...args any[] 的别名。

¥Alias for


  • channel 字符串(可选)

    ¥channel string (optional)

从指定的 channel 中删除所有监听器。如果未指定通道,则从所有通道中删除所有监听器。

¥Removes all listeners from the specified channel. Removes all listeners from all channels if no channel is specified.

ipcMain.handle(channel, listener)

添加 invokeable IPC 的处理程序。每当渲染器调用 ipcRenderer.invoke(channel, ...args) 时就会调用此处理程序。

¥Adds a handler for an invokeable IPC. This handler will be called whenever a renderer calls ipcRenderer.invoke(channel, ...args).

如果 listener 返回 Promise,则 Promise 的最终结果将作为对远程调用者的响应返回。否则,监听器的返回值将用作响应的值。

¥If listener returns a Promise, the eventual result of the promise will be returned as a reply to the remote caller. Otherwise, the return value of the listener will be used as the value of the reply.

Main Process
ipcMain.handle('my-invokable-ipc', async (event, ...args) => {
const result = await somePromise(...args)
return result
Renderer Process
async () => {
const result = await ipcRenderer.invoke('my-invokable-ipc', arg1, arg2)
// ...

作为第一个参数传递给处理程序的 event 与传递给常规事件监听器的 event 相同。它包括有关哪个 WebContents 是调用请求源的信息。

¥The event that is passed as the first argument to the handler is the same as that passed to a regular event listener. It includes information about which WebContents is the source of the invoke request.

主进程中通过 handle 抛出的错误并不透明,因为它们是序列化的,并且仅将原始错误中的 message 属性提供给渲染器进程。详情请参阅 #24427

¥Errors thrown through handle in the main process are not transparent as they are serialized and only the message property from the original error is provided to the renderer process. Please refer to #24427 for details.

ipcMain.handleOnce(channel, listener)

处理单个 invokeable IPC 消息,然后删除监听器。参见 ipcMain.handle(channel, listener)

¥Handles a single invokeable IPC message, then removes the listener. See ipcMain.handle(channel, listener).


  • channel 字符串

    ¥channel string

删除 channel 的任何处理程序(如果存在)。

¥Removes any handler for channel, if present.