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¥Detect keyboard events when the application does not have keyboard focus.


¥Process: Main

globalShortcut 模块可以向操作系统注册/取消注册全局键盘快捷键,以便你可以自定义各种快捷键的操作。

¥The globalShortcut module can register/unregister a global keyboard shortcut with the operating system so that you can customize the operations for various shortcuts.

注意:快捷方式是全局的;即使应用没有键盘焦点,它也可以工作。在应用模块的 ready 事件发出之前,无法使用该模块。

¥Note: The shortcut is global; it will work even if the app does not have the keyboard focus. This module cannot be used before the ready event of the app module is emitted.

另请注意,也可以使用 Chromium 的 GlobalShortcutsPortal 实现,它允许应用在 Wayland 会话中运行时绑定全局快捷方式。

¥Please also note that it is also possible to use Chromium's GlobalShortcutsPortal implementation, which allows apps to bind global shortcuts when running within a Wayland session.

const { app, globalShortcut } = require('electron')

// Enable usage of Portal's globalShortcuts. This is essential for cases when
// the app runs in a Wayland session.
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'GlobalShortcutsPortal')

app.whenReady().then(() => {
// Register a 'CommandOrControl+X' shortcut listener.
const ret = globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+X', () => {
console.log('CommandOrControl+X is pressed')

if (!ret) {
console.log('registration failed')

// Check whether a shortcut is registered.

app.on('will-quit', () => {
// Unregister a shortcut.

// Unregister all shortcuts.



globalShortcut 模块有以下方法:

¥The globalShortcut module has the following methods:

globalShortcut.register(accelerator, callback)

返回 boolean - 快捷方式是否注册成功。

¥Returns boolean - Whether or not the shortcut was registered successfully.

注册 accelerator 的全局快捷方式。当用户按下注册的快捷方式时,将调用 callback

¥Registers a global shortcut of accelerator. The callback is called when the registered shortcut is pressed by the user.


¥When the accelerator is already taken by other applications, this call will silently fail. This behavior is intended by operating systems, since they don't want applications to fight for global shortcuts.

除非应用已被授权为 可信可访问性客户端,否则以下加速器将无法在 macOS 10.14 Mojave 上成功注册:

¥The following accelerators will not be registered successfully on macOS 10.14 Mojave unless the app has been authorized as a trusted accessibility client:

  • "媒体播放/暂停"

    ¥"Media Play/Pause"

  • "媒体下一曲目"

    ¥"Media Next Track"

  • "媒体上一曲目"

    ¥"Media Previous Track"

  • "媒体停止"

    ¥"Media Stop"

globalShortcut.registerAll(accelerators, callback)

accelerators 中注册所有 accelerator 项目的全局快捷方式。当用户按下任何已注册的快捷键时,将调用 callback

¥Registers a global shortcut of all accelerator items in accelerators. The callback is called when any of the registered shortcuts are pressed by the user.


¥When a given accelerator is already taken by other applications, this call will silently fail. This behavior is intended by operating systems, since they don't want applications to fight for global shortcuts.

除非应用已被授权为 可信可访问性客户端,否则以下加速器将无法在 macOS 10.14 Mojave 上成功注册:

¥The following accelerators will not be registered successfully on macOS 10.14 Mojave unless the app has been authorized as a trusted accessibility client:

  • "媒体播放/暂停"

    ¥"Media Play/Pause"

  • "媒体下一曲目"

    ¥"Media Next Track"

  • "媒体上一曲目"

    ¥"Media Previous Track"

  • "媒体停止"

    ¥"Media Stop"


返回 boolean - 该应用是否已注册 accelerator

¥Returns boolean - Whether this application has registered accelerator.

当加速器已被其他应用占用时,此调用仍将返回 false。这种行为是操作系统有意为之的,因为它们不希望应用争夺全局快捷方式。

¥When the accelerator is already taken by other applications, this call will still return false. This behavior is intended by operating systems, since they don't want applications to fight for global shortcuts.


取消注册 accelerator 的全局快捷方式。

¥Unregisters the global shortcut of accelerator.



¥Unregisters all of the global shortcuts.